Your Daily Couples Horoscope for August 05, 2021
Communication is key in any relationship, but sometimes things fall through the cracks. Our daily couple horoscope can help you find what’s been lost and maintain that spark!
After a day of hard work, it's time to enjoy some time with your sweetie. Consider making their favorite meal and tucking in for the night. Who knows what will happen after their favorite film's credits roll?
Today, focus your energy on your sensual side. Take your honey with you to choose some new candles and massage oil, or shop solo and surprise them! Use your new props to set the mood, and let your imagination guide you.
After a few weeks of struggling, all of your plans are starting to fall into place. Celebrate your accomplishment with your lover, and know that things are going to get even better.
You come up with lots of great ideas, but are you following through on them? If your plans seem too ambitious, ask your love for help breaking them down. Together you can accomplish a lot.
Lavish your partner with extra love and attention today -- really spoil them! If they ask you why you're being so affectionate, just tell them they've been really good lately and you want to reward them.
Do your stars align? Find out your Compatibility Score and reveal the truth!
After a tough day at work, you want nothing more than to indulge in some hedonistic pleasures with your loved one. Set the mood with champagne and strawberries, and prepare to lose yourself to pleasure.
Your inner hedonist is trying to get out! Give in, and explore your sensual side with your lover. Don't question your desire -- if it makes you feel good, then go for it!
There's some friction between you and your partner right now, but it's the kind that leads to romantic sparks, not fights! And when the sparks start flying, look out -- you're in for an action packed evening!
You and your loved one have quite a full evening ahead of you, and that means lots of your favorite food and drink. Be careful not to overindulge -- you'll feel better if you use a little restraint.
Consider your budget when making your plans for today. Low-cost activities are the way to go, especially if you're planning for something big in the future. Saving now will mean a bigger payoff later!
Take some time to catch up with your relatives today, and encourage your loved one to do the same. An afternoon of phone calls to your family members will enrich your life as well as theirs.
Lucky you, your sweetie's in a romantic mood and wants to spoil you! Drop some hints about what you'd like, but leave the rest up to them. You'll be pleased with what they have in store for you.
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