Your Daily Couples Horoscope for April 27, 2022
Communication is key in any relationship, but sometimes things fall through the cracks. Our daily couple horoscope can help you find what’s been lost and maintain that spark!
You can't know everything about each other, and in your saner moments you realize you don't necessarily want to. At moments like these, however, figuring out the puzzle is part of the pleasure of the relationship.
You and your partner are connected to each other, but now you're both seeking connections to something that gives your lives meaning, something even bigger than the two of you. It's time to explore the spiritual side of things.
Deciding what to do comes easily to you, especially when the stars send you and your partner a few clues about what should happen next. You're the one who has the key to deciphering the information.
Feel like this relationship is suddenly bogged down? You can get out of this jam by voicing your opinion. It's fine to feel shy every now and then, but expecting your main squeeze to read your mind isn't fair.
It's normal to look to your significant other for a sense of who you are, but remember that the person who has the final say in your status quo is you. Accept all opinions and support, but be your own best advocate.
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Something throws you two for a loop, but it's no problem. You convert the motion into a somersault. In fact, you enjoy the result so much that you thank the Universe for sending this disguised opportunity your way.
Getting ahead of the game would be easier if only you both knew what the name of the game was, not to mention the rules. You two have a lot more say in this than you realize, especially when you put your heads together.
Are you thinking you've hit an unlucky streak at a critical point in time? Ask your partner for their perspective. You might just be seeing the trees. They can help give you some perspective on the forest.
Rocking the boat just to get a little motion going in this relationship isn't going to get you where you want to go. A more thought-out rebellion, however, will stir up the right fires at the right time.
Feeling like you got the raw end of a deal in a recent relationship negotiation? Fortunately, these things aren't set in stone. Before you feel signed, sealed and delivered, talk it over with your partner.
You think you're in a pickle, but you just need to look at this situation from a different point of view. Something good always accompanies a challenge, and vice versa. Add some relish and you'll like what you see.
If the cosmos throws you a curve ball, you can knock it out of the park. Let your instincts be your guide. In fact, this is one time when blurting out the first thing you think of is beneficial to your relationship.
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