Your Daily Couples Horoscope for April 23, 2022
Communication is key in any relationship, but sometimes things fall through the cracks. Our daily couple horoscope can help you find what’s been lost and maintain that spark!
It's easy to assume that you know everything about your partner, but think about it: Do you even know everything about yourself? Of course not! (And how dull would that be if you did?) You both have unexpected depths.
Keeping your fingers crossed is a nice gesture, but putting all your effort into getting through this challenge is even better. With a little detective work from you two, you'll have this whole thing figured out.
Your wit is sharper than usual, and that's saying something significant. You're listening to your partner, but you know what's what. You're at your most powerful when you rely on your instincts.
Your recent coup at work is quite the feather in your cap. Now that business is taken care of, you can relax with your partner. Let the chips fall where they may. You'll like the stakes of this game!
You're just beginning to understand the importance of following your own heart, but your partner's comment makes you see that your actions are affecting a lot more than just you. How eye opening!
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Are you putting pressure on yourself and your partner to be a certain way instead of appreciating both of you for who you are? Once you start paying attention to the reality, you'll realize what a sweet deal the two of you have.
Step out on the town with your favorite hot tamale. A little time spent solely on having a good time gives you both the perspective you need.
Uphold your standards, especially when it comes to this relationship. Tolerating excuses or shoddy behavior devalues what you stand for. You know you deserve nothing but the best, so make sure you give your best too.
You've still got a few tricks up your sleeve that your partner doesn't know about. It's nice when two people in a loving relationship still have the ability to surprise (and be surprised by) each other.
Having trouble getting started? Ask your intuition and you'll get the answers you need. When your partner asks where you got the solution, don't tell them. Just smile. A genius never reveals their sources.
Just because you say something with your tongue in your cheek doesn't mean you're not 100 percent loving and supportive when it counts. If you're partner's feeling sensitive, explain this to them.
You feel like you can practically read your partner's mind. Funny, that's just what they think about you too. Could it be that you're both right? And isn't it nice to be with someone who knows you that well?
Get even more insights for the month ahead with your premium Monthly Horoscope.
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