Your Daily Couples Horoscope for April 13, 2022
Communication is key in any relationship, but sometimes things fall through the cracks. Our daily couple horoscope can help you find what’s been lost and maintain that spark!
Your emotions are running high today and you're more likely than usual to take offense where none was intended. Give your partner the benefit of the doubt. If something they say upsets you, wait a while and see if the feeling passes.
Plan on sharing a cozy dinner with your partner tonight. It doesn't have to be anything fancy. As long as the two of you can relax together, even the simplest meal will be enjoyable.
Sit down with your partner today and go over your finances. Decide what you can spend on dining out and stick to it. Learning to cook at home will save you money, and it's fun to do together.
You're entering a time of many new beginnings. The changes you've been hoping for are finally starting to happen. Your future with your loved one is starting to look very bright.
Don't let yourself go around in circles with your partner. There's no point in having an endless argument. If you can't come to an agreement now, set it aside until you both cool down a little.
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A good friend needs you to be there for them right now. Your partner will understand if they have to see less of you. Your caring nature is one of the things that drew them to you in the first place.
Take some time to appreciate some of the little things that make your partner so great. After you've thought about it for a while, write them a mushy note that spells it all out. They'll blush, but they'll love it.
Your powers of persuasion will serve you well today. It won't be hard at all to talk your partner into doing whatever you want. Granted, they probably would have gone along with you anyway!
Today finds you feeling philosophical and questioning many of the things you thought you knew for sure. One thing you don't need to question is your partner. They're something you can count on.
One of you is feeling a little sensitive today, and one of you is feeling a little sassy. If a joke goes too far and someone's feelings get hurt, it doesn't have to ruin your day. You can smooth it over and carry on.
If you've been slacking on your fitness routine, you might need to make it more interesting. Ask your partner to join you for a walk around the neighborhood. It's romantic and good for you.
Romance takes many forms for you today. The day starts with sweet words from your partner, and a midday message gets you through the afternoon. By evening, your loving becomes a lot more personal.
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