Your Daily CatScope for May 14, 2024
While Whiskers may not be able to communicate his needs purrfectly, today’s planets certainly can. With only your sun sign, you can use Catscope to translate the feelings of your feline friend.
You're in a forgiving mood today, and are more than willing to let your human servants slack off if they really must. It's a good day to take care of business yourself, as much as possible.
Everything is just a little bit more interesting today -- socializing, fun and games and even the same old food feels a little more intriguing. Your good energy is perfect for getting others to see the bright side!
You don't let anything get you down today -- even the deepest embarrassment lasts only a few seconds! Your amazing energy is a joy to behold, so share it with as many humans as possible!
You're feeling stuck -- you can't (or don't much want to) go outside, but you're not crazy about some noise or companion you're dealing with near your favorite nesting spot. You should be past it soon!
You feel just right about your friends today -- they all seem to be getting along with you really well, and your great energy is a good match for their own moods and needs. Cats, humans and other critters all work out!
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Your impulsive side could be rather hazardous for you today, so try hard to be good and do what they humans say. Of course, you've got a will of your own, but their expertise comes in handy now and then!
You're playing silly games with your human friends -- and anyone else who swings nearby! It's a safe bet that your great energy nets you a few new friends before the end of the day.
You can't think as clearly as usual today, but that's not such a big deal -- your human pals can do the intellectual heavy lifting. You feel better knowing they're taking the reins, at least for the time being.
You are feeling loved -- even more so than usual, if that's possible! Your great energy is perfect for inspiring friends and family to new heights of fun, and your purring can be heard in the next room.
Get to work on something new and different -- your great energy is essential for making the humans try out new games or even new kibble for you! Your energy needs to work on the sidelines.
Your energy is much more cerebral than that of other kitties, and today is the perfect day for you to exercise it. Figure out how to bypass that door or see if you can get a friend to take the heat for you.
You need to deal with a good friend who is being kind of a jerk today -- it may be a fellow feline, or it may even be a human! Just exercise some restraint and they should be back by your side in no time.
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