Your Daily CatScope for March 21, 2023
While Whiskers may not be able to communicate his needs purrfectly, today’s planets certainly can. With only your sun sign, you can use Catscope to translate the feelings of your feline friend.
You need to get a little more comfortable with your food situation. Are you one of those kitties who doesn't really trust where your next meal is coming from? Get over it -- the humans love you!
Your intensity is showing today and the humans might start to worry a little if you start to get too weird or obsessive. Don't mind them -- you need to do your own thing and you feel great!
It's one of those days when it seems like you're penned in, even when you've got all of the outdoors as your playground. That's cool -- you can still try to enjoy yourself under your more limited circumstances.
All you want to do today is hang out with your furry friends and that one special human in your life -- all other concerns are secondary! It's a great time for you to practice washing other folks.
You've got more going on than the humans may realize and you need to get to work on some of it today -- even if they've got you penned up inside! Whatever happens, you can take care of business.
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You and one certain friend of yours are getting along famously right now -- you may not want to hang out with anyone else! It's a good time to play together and see if you can break new ground.
You're feeling like a blue-ribbon winner at a cat show and you might want to just groom yourself and look good for the humans who wander by. You've got inner beauty too, but that's not the point.
It's the best time for you to focus on the one person who's most important to you. Even if they're not around for most of the day, you can plot out how you want to show them how you really feel.
You and your human friends can communicate more openly -- and with much better understanding -- than usual and so it's a great time to let them know exactly how you feel about life.
Your vibrant energy is leading you in new directions today -- though not too far away from the food dish, of course! It's a good time to try new things and play new games with new kitties.
Your people are feeling pretty good today and all you want is to soak up their wisdom and good energy. If you can spend time with older kitties, that would be ideal, but of course you make do with anyone.
You can get your human friends to understand even the most nuanced of your feelings today and it could be that you finally get across the one thing that has been bugging you more than anything else.
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