Your Daily CatScope for March 20, 2023
While Whiskers may not be able to communicate his needs purrfectly, today’s planets certainly can. With only your sun sign, you can use Catscope to translate the feelings of your feline friend.
Move out a little farther from your usual haunts and see what you discover -- there's all sorts of crazy stuff out there! Your amazing energy should help you push out into the world and have fun!
Don't go with your first choice today -- until you've checked out everything else, that is! If you shop around -- even if you think there are no other options -- you will be a lot happier in the end.
You've got lots of friends -- and friends of friends -- in your life, especially for an animal that's supposed to be so aloof. Enjoy the company, even if you're not up for playing all day long!
Some cats have poor memories, but yours is strong -- especially on days like today. That could mean you're holding a grudge, or it could mean you just need to take care of something small.
You're still having lots of fun today and your friends can tell that you're the one to spend time with. You may learn a few new things about them and how they react to your teasing!
Get even more insights for the month ahead with your premium Monthly Horoscope.
Your good energy is leaking out in to the world and the pothers in your life are mostly happy about it! You're more than willing to mix it up if someone gets in your way, though, so they'd better watch out!
You need to make a compromise -- with yourself! You may be torn between two or more different options, but you might be able to use your feline wiles to plot a middle course if you're crafty.
It's a great day for you to check in with your human pals and see what they need from you -- there's got to be something! It may be anything from a quick hello to assistance with laundry.
You seem to be incredibly active today -- and the humans are no doubt curious about what, exactly, you're up to. Don't let them stop you, though, because you're on a mission and need to get it done.
You feel tapped into your evolutionary ancestry and might stalk around the house like a saber-toothed cat or find some other way to express your most ferocious tendencies. Have fun with it!
It's the perfect day to figure out how to make the humans' lives a little sweeter. Maybe all you need to do is purr or cuddle with them a bit more, or maybe you need to plan something elaborate!
You don't know exactly what people are trying to tell you -- and the language barrier is worse than ever! They might be trying to get you to stop doing something, or start -- but who can say, really?
Make sure you're on the right path! Your Personalized Career Horoscope is waiting with answers for you.
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