Your Daily CatScope for March 13, 2023
While Whiskers may not be able to communicate his needs purrfectly, today’s planets certainly can. With only your sun sign, you can use Catscope to translate the feelings of your feline friend.
It's a good day for you to convince the humans that your needs are at the top of their list. You can be quite persuasive when you need to be and it definitely feels like thins need to go your way.
It feels like one of those near-perfect days when you can do no wrong -- so get out there and see what happens! You're all about playing and cuddling, though a little exploring may also be in order.
You are finding that someone you know and love is kind of taking over your life in little ways, especially today. It may just be that you suddenly realized the humans set the rules, or it could be subtler than that.
Your mood is either way up high or down low today and that could mean your relationship with the humans is strained. They're probably on an even keel and your antics might worry them!
If the humans don't give you what you want today, you're going to start out angry and end up pouty. That doesn't mean you'll get it, of course, but it might help you out in the future.
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Life is a lot more fun than usual today and you can get almost anyone to join in if you get things started. Try to get a new game going, or just roll around together in a big pile somewhere warm.
Someone -- most likely bipedal -- is giving you grief about something that shouldn't be an issue, but you still need to take it. Try to make sure that you're able to understand the rules, at least a little!
You're smarter than you look -- and you know it! This is one of those days when you need to let people see what you're capable of, but in a way that keeps them calm and happy to be pals with you.
You're in a good mood and might enjoy just sitting around watching the world go by or listening to that yowling the humans call music. Why not take a day off from your responsibilities?
Nobody realizes how important you are to the household or the neighborhood -- or they didn't until today! Someone catches on that you scare away all the birds or otherwise maintain public safety.
It's one of those freaky days when you're much better off limiting your own activities than waiting for the humans to do that for you. In fact, if you keep yourself on the right side of the law, you'll be super-happy!
You've got to show the others you live with that you're just as valuable top them as they are to you. It's a good time to catch a mouse or play a game or just brush against someone's leg and purr.
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