Your Daily CatScope for July 31, 2021
While Whiskers may not be able to communicate his needs purrfectly, today’s planets certainly can. With only your sun sign, you can use Catscope to translate the feelings of your feline friend.
You're no hypochondriac -- in fact, you'd do almost anything to avoid the vet, most likely -- but you may feel a little under the weather today. You may just want to slink off to somewhere peaceful and quiet.
Your artistic essence is easier to access today, so make a sculpture out of dust bunnies or put on a performance for your human companions. They should appreciate what you've got to say!
You're not a gossip -- you just like to know what's going on! Today, though, the tables are turned and someone who usually doesn't pay much attention is totally in your business and doesn't let go!
You're much more interested in hanging out on your own and making big plans for later, rather than snapping into action or trying to do too much stuff at once. It's one of those days when you should try to chill.
You thought you had the perfect plan to get into the catnip cupboard or find a new source of kibble -- but reality has a way of interfering sometimes. It's a good day to try something different.
What do the planets say about your love life? Receive cosmic advice with your Daily Love Horoscope.
You may not know everything -- but you know everything that matters to you! Your world seems to make more sense today, and you might be able to take an inspired leap toward something new and fun!
You're channeling the great cats of the ancient past today, stalking prey and generally taking care of yourself. It's a great time for you to spook the dogs and other odd critters in your life!
It's the small stuff that matters most to you today -- getting fed on time, that little scratch behind the ears or getting your feline friends to see that things are best when you all get along together.
This is not the best time for you to beg for scraps or try to get out of a visit to the vet. The humans are less sympathetic than usual -- maybe thanks to your strange behavior over the past few days!
It's the perfect day to just plop yourself down and soak up the great energy all around. You may find that people are more willing to let you have your way, as long as you don't get pushy.
If things don't seem to make much sense, try poking around under the surface -- there might be a lot more to the situation! Your feline senses are all hyperactive now, so you're sure to dig up a clue.
Don't worry too much about whether or not you know everything -- just pounce first and ask questions later! It's one of those days when action is much more important than making big plans.
Make sure you're on the right path! Your Personalized Career Horoscope is waiting with answers for you.