Your Daily CatScope for January 02, 2023
While Whiskers may not be able to communicate his needs purrfectly, today’s planets certainly can. With only your sun sign, you can use Catscope to translate the feelings of your feline friend.
You need to slow down and try to stick to the house-- or one of your special spots inside, if you're an indoor kitty as it is! No, you're not sick, you'd just rather enjoy the comforts of home.
You can't just let out a yowl and hope for the best today -- you need to be as specific as possible, despite the crazy language barrier. Poke the humans at just the right time so they can't miss your point.
If you don't get every last thing you want today, you are going to be one moody cat! Most likely, the humans aren't able to jump every time you meow, so expect to spend some time sulking.
It's a great day for you -- and for any humans or other critters who happen to live with you! It's easy for you to figure out what they're thinking and help them with whatever you think they need.
You are one persistent kitty today, banging your head against the (hopefully metaphorical) wall all day long. The humans might start out amused, then get worried, then return to amusement!
What does your moon sign mean? Learn more about your emotional world with a Moon Sign Reading! ??
You shouldn't feel so down -- you've got lots of great friends who want nothing more than to help you out! Even other kitties might lend a paw if you look miserable enough, so start widening those eyes!
Things aren't going just the way you want them to right now, but that doesn't mean it's time to pitch a fit or sulk. If you can keep purring -- or almost purring -- the humans should take pity on you
You're full of great, dreamy energy and may find that people are more willing than ever to jump on your bandwagon -- even if you don't really know where it's headed! It may be time for a nice long nap.
You haven't got the faintest idea why things are happening today and you can't be bothered to just let them go. See if you can pester one human until they sit you down and give you what you need.
You're intensely curious about one of the humans in your life and can't be dissuaded from investigating them all day long. It may lead to nothing, or it may turn into a big deal -- who can tell?
You should try to deal with the stuff that's going on around you today, even if it's tricky or might otherwise require a bit of brainwork. You've got what it takes and the humans will love it!
You're in tune with music -- even that weird screeching that the humans like! It's a good time for you to jump into the mix and add your singing to whatever is going on around you today.
Find out what the cards have in store for you with your 2022 Tarot Reading.
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