Your Daily CatScope for August 09, 2022
While Whiskers may not be able to communicate his needs purrfectly, today’s planets certainly can. With only your sun sign, you can use Catscope to translate the feelings of your feline friend.
Among felines, you're something of a visionary and today brings something big and crazy and wonderful to mind. You might not be sure how to get there from here, but you can have fun trying!
Unlike the humans, you can literally be rubbed the wrong way -- and that's just how you feel today. Something irritating goes on early in the day that keeps pestering you until you just lash out!
Though you, like most cats, prefer to do things your way, today brings someone else's energy into your life and makes you wonder if maybe there's another -- better -- way to get things done.
It's a good time to check in with the (human) powers that be, thought could be that your roles are reversed somewhat -- in that you're feeling more connected, while they're off doing their own thing.
It's time to purr and make up with whomever you've been fighting with lately. It might not be easy to swallow your pride, but once you do, you'll find that things get a lot better right away.
What does your moon sign mean? Learn more about your emotional world with a Moon Sign Reading! ??
Try not to freak out your friends, but you feel like making a change today. It's nothing radical -- that's just not your style -- but it should be noticeable. Accept the odd looks as you go about your business.
Someone you hang out with a lot -- maybe, but not necessarily, another cat -- finds a new way to bond with you and you couldn't be happier. It's a good time to show the worlds what friends are for!
You and your temper are going to get the best of your friends today, though it's not like you're going to do any major or irreparable damage. See if you can get them to look the other way while you vent!
If you get to go outdoors, say hello to everyone you meet -- you never know where your next friend might come from. Of course, the birds and squirrels might not take so kindly to your approach!
You and your family are not quite on the same page when it comes to creature comforts and you need to let them know you're not happy. Maybe it could be warmer -- or maybe you need tastier chow.
You're on edge with excitement for some reason and even if you can't figure out quite why, you can tell that something good is on the way! Enjoy every moment and try to get others inspired, too!
You're one brainy feline when you feel like letting your mind do its thing and today you might just figure out the secret behind the food situation or some other big mystery you've wondered about.
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