Your Daily CatScope for April 28, 2022
While Whiskers may not be able to communicate his needs purrfectly, today’s planets certainly can. With only your sun sign, you can use Catscope to translate the feelings of your feline friend.
You've got more good energy flowing through you today than most other kitties see in a week! Your inner strength is unstoppable, so make sure that people are out of your way when you're on a roll!
You're locked in a staring contest with someone -- maybe someone you know well. Even if you blink or look away first, though, you might find that you get your way in the end. Keep it up!
You're so smart that you might scare a human, who doesn't get that you have your moments of brilliance too! It's a good day to find sneaky methods of achieving your goals, whatever they may be.
You'd like to live in grand fashion today -- and that should be easy to get away with! Even if the humans aren't lavishing you with gifts, you can still enjoy the finer things in life.
You manage to pull off something really big today -- it could be a sneaky foray into forbidden territory or a symbolic victory over your local top cat, but you'll feel great for days!
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You need to adapt to things that are happening today, even if you can't really believe your eyes. You've got more flexibility in your kitty mind than anyone gives you credit for, so go ahead and stretch!
You and your kitty friends -- or toys, or young humans, or whomever you like to pass the time with -- are getting along fantastically well today and ought to find that you're having twice as much fun as usual!
You generally prefer to keep things pretty simple when you're living your life, but today brings complications you couldn't have foreseen. Of course, you're awesome when it comes to challenges!
You're in the middle of a whirlwind of fun and your sweet energy is making everyone incredibly happy. Try to keep things going as long as you can -- even if your friends start to get exhausted!
You're having a hard time with something that should be easy -- but don't let that get you down! Sometimes your energy is just a bit out of sync with the other kitties or humans in your life.
You and your main human pal need to reach a compromise of some kind involving food or exercise or play. You need to give up a little, so don't complain too much if you want this to work!
You might be feeling a little down -- but if so, that just means you need some exercise! Try running around the house a bit, playing with your shadow or just jumping on top of the fridge a few times.
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