Your Daily CatScope for April 14, 2022
While Whiskers may not be able to communicate his needs purrfectly, today’s planets certainly can. With only your sun sign, you can use Catscope to translate the feelings of your feline friend.
This new person in your human's life seems as if they have the entire package. They bring you treats, give you plenty of attention and they don't sit on your favorite spot. Think again -- they're not above manipulating you to get in your owner's good graces.
You don't need fancy feathers and store bought strings. You can find something interesting to do in any situation today if you use a bit of creativity. Grasp this concept and you'll get inspiration from commonplace things most humans and animals find boring.
You're not a stick in the mud -- you're simply using your routine as a crutch. There are worse things, Gemini, so don't let anyone make you feel bad about it. Besides, they secretly admire you for staying calm even in the face of complete turmoil. In fact, they rely on you to keep things in perspective.
You're in for a real treat today, but the gift will come in a tarnished package. Don't turn your back on it because it looks bad. Inside you'll find a golden nugget, kitty. Perhaps a very, very delicious treat.
Your human's in a great mood today. Hear that can opener? That's right, it's wet food for you tonight. Show them how much you appreciate this rare treat. Give 'em ample lap time and lots of ankle rubs.
Make sure you're on the right path! Your Personalized Career Horoscope is waiting with answers for you.
Your boundaries are faulty, kitty. As much as you love to snuggle close to your human's face, they'd prefer you nested elsewhere. Respect their wishes and give them some breathing room. And don't worry, you'll get plenty of attention later on.
You've left enough half-eaten toys around for one cat. Finish what you start today or don't dig in at all. Better yet, find some of your old failures and dive back in. It feels good to cross one old toy after another off your list.
You're on a diet and you hate it. Why is your owner starving you? Well, kitty, it's for your own good. Learn to live on less food and in no time you'll see the benefits -- skinnier haunches and more energy.
You never hold back in a new situation, but when an intimidating person comes into your life, you run like hell. Your little feline brain has a tendency to jump to conclusions. Just because something's bigger doesn't mean it's better.
If you don't want to head outside today then don't. Stay in and enjoy the warmth of the sunshine on your fur through a window. Watch the world from inside and cherish your beautiful home.
You must take control of a situation that's out of control, kitty. You're not responsible, but it's up to you to figure it out. You'll come out of this looking like a true champ.
You want a better relationship with your human, but a recent burn still stings. Today's the day to cool that grudge. They didn't mean to leave you locked outside all night. Forgive and forget and then move on.
Is your job fulfilling? Stay aligned with your Personalized Career Horoscope!
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