Your Daily CatScope for April 13, 2022
While Whiskers may not be able to communicate his needs purrfectly, today’s planets certainly can. With only your sun sign, you can use Catscope to translate the feelings of your feline friend.
Someone's helped you along the way, kitty, and today's a great time to give them the recognition they deserve. Luckily for you, that feline charm will provide the momentum you need to make them swoon.
You know exactly what you're after and you're not afraid to ask. Get in there and do the right thing. Whine, pine and beg if you have to, but be persistent. You'll get the golden carrot soon enough.
Don't take a foolhardy risk today just to make a point, kitty. Everyone knows that you're one fabulous feline, so don't go out of your way to prove it. Instead, take the safe route: be lovable, fun and charming.
Your human's repeatedly told you no and yet you persist. Stay off the counters, the shelves and the dinning room table. You have no business prowling around those places. You better listen up or you'll find yourself in hot water.
Be sure to put your family above your pals. When the rest of the world bails out, the members of your pride will be there for you. Show your gratitude today.
Find out what the cards have in store for you with your 2022 Tarot Reading.
Make the most of every opportunity that comes your way, kitty. Tons of snacks, attention and wet food will appear if you're open and willing for greatness. Don't hold back -- the world's your oyster.
You're one frisky feline today -- just don't go overboard on the enthusiasm when everyone else is fairly stoic. Your mood will get on their nerves. Instead, take your energy outside and frolic in the grass.
Avoid pigging out on garbage snacks today. Emotional eating will get you nowhere fast -- except uncomfortably full and nauseated. Besides, your haunches don't need the extra poundage.
Go ahead and flirt your tail off today. Everyone's absolutely drawn to your charming personality. Lucky for you, you have a knack for making everyone fall in love with you.
Your guts are in a tight ball today. When is the last time you did something nice for yourself, kitty? That fur of yours is scruffy and matted. Why not take an hour or so to groom that fur to a shine.
Don't fight the inevitable. You'll have to deal with something uncomfortable today. Your food bowl will stay empty hours after it's normally full. Be patient; your human's had a long day of work.
Your fur's ruffled over a conflict at home. Why are the humans around you so pigheaded? Don't they know you need plenty of food and rest? Find a spot far away from them and take a good, long nap.
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