The Coolest Star Wars-Themed Bike GearBicyclingThu, December 10, 2015 at 5:22 PM UTCVader would be the kind of guy to ride around with a boom box—and that makes this tank top from Etsy seller BlackCoffeeAndTees one of our favorites. Price: $25Info: Media Platforms Design TeamLow-Rider Darth Vader Tank TopVader would be the kind of guy to ride around with a boom box—and that makes this tank top from Etsy seller BlackCoffeeAndTees one of our favorites. Price: $25Info: Media Platforms Design TeamLow-Rider Darth Vader Tank TopVader would be the kind of guy to ride around with a boom box—and that makes this tank top from Etsy seller BlackCoffeeAndTees one of our favorites. Price: $25Info: Media Platforms Design TeamDestroy (or defend) the Galactic Empire with the coolest Star Wars-inspired bike gear.About Our Ads