Congrats! The Full Moon in Capricorn Is Rewarding You for All Your Hard Work

Babe, Mercury Retrograde is over. I’m all love and light, but yeezus, the transits of June 2021 were mildly difficult! Saturn Retrograde in Aquarius, Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn, and Jupiter Retrograde in Pisces? Rough to say the least.
The planetary transits of 2021 have required soul-searching and self-development through hard work. Now, if you’ve done that work and didn’t make a bunch of excuses, this Full Moon will come with rewards for you. On June 22nd, 2021, at 2:39 P.M. EST, the Moon will be full in the sign of Capricorn.
This lunar transit will come as a relief, helping us recognize the fruits of our labor. If you’ve planted seeds throughout the year, this may be when you begin to see sprouts! Be willing to talk to others about their endeavors, goals, and long-term plans. The conversations you have this month will help you appreciate your progress. Show a willingness to be vulnerable, share your dreams, and keep your imagination open. You’ll be surprised what magic can occur when you believe!
Read your Sun/Rising horoscope for the Full Moon in Capricorn:
The person you’ve been working on becoming behind closed doors is ready to be released into the world! You’ve had to go through a lot of motions and emotions to come to the conclusion of your self-expression. Feel free to let go of uncertainty; your conclusions are valid.
Don't let anyone make you feel like you're not capable or intelligent! This Full Moon is giving you the opportunity to express yourself and show that you are worthy of being heard. Speak up, Taurus—you have a lot to contribute to conversations, and voicing your opinions can help build up your reputation. If you didn’t know, now you know. You got this!
You've been undergoing a personal transformation. You may not be able to easily put into words the changes that are occurring in your life, but you can feel them happening. This Full Moon is bringing you the clarity necessary to understand the direction that you’re taking. Be patient; these changes will occur naturally and do not require force.
Be gentle with yourself; the answers you are seeking are on the way. Mercury Retrograde may have brought up discomfort in expressing yourself. You may have felt the need to hold your tongue more than usual, or struggled to put your thoughts into words. As July progresses, you’ll find that it’s easier to speak up and be heard by those closest to you. Be open to emotionally investing in your loved ones; they are there for you.
Your intuition is right, so pay attention to it. Your day-to-day life is changing in ways that you may not be able to put into words quite yet. You’re being called to trust, feel, and go along with the motions. For now, you must rely on your sensitivities and stay aware of your surroundings. And if you're concerned about your health, now is a good time to schedule a check-up!
It's time for you to shine and be seen; don’t shy away from the spotlight. Your community is here to help you actualize your desires, so trust that they have your best interests in mind. When you allow yourself the opportunity to showcase your creations, you will find that your emotional vulnerability is met with rewards. Recognition and respect are around the corner.
Everything you do, do it for your culture and for your people! There may be difficult feelings surrounding your home life, even understanding your personal heritage may come with dis-ease. Trust that your people are the ones you grew up with, the people you surround yourself with, and those who you feel at home with. They will help you recognize your place in the world. You are held by them.
The more you know, the more you grow. Do not underestimate your growth over the past few years! You have been working on your social presence and self-expression. You've been transforming into the person you are destined to be. You are killing the game, Scorpio. Talk your talk and walk your walk. You were made to prosper, bb.
You’re obsessed with all things astro. Same. Never miss a retrograde with Cosmo Unlocked.
Say it with me, Sagittarius: Success is around the corner. Enjoy the changes that are coming. They aren’t coming easily, and you've been humbled over the past year. All the difficulties were necessary, so do not wallow in what hurts. Take a good, long, hard look in the mirror. The person you see is the same person you carefully cultivated. Compliment yourself. You are driving your reality.
You are held by your friends and chosen family. You are no stranger to a stoic and strong expression. In fact, you are so strong that sometimes you don’t let yourself really feel your emotions. Now, you're being granted the space to release. Isolate if you need to, but know that your friends are always in your corner—you will need them.
Your daily ventures are bringing you to conclusions that you can’t quite articulate yet. This Full Moon is not going to give you all the answers; in fact, it may leave you with more questions. Let yourself be in a state of the unknown. As long as you’re operating from a place of integrity, you should be fine. There are changes occurring around you. Be careful of the company that you keep.
Your talents are being put on a pedestal, but don’t worry about falling. The possibility of failure or not being liked is always possible. You are no stranger to not being understood, and while that can be difficult, it’s important that you continue to put yourself out there. There are people who will value you and your work, so please don’t deprive the world of your greatness.
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