Concerns Grow Over Chronic Wasting Disease In Deer
It sounds like something straight out of a horror movie, but a zombie-like disease is taking a toll on deer populations across the country-and now some experts are wondering if it could spread to humans.
While there are currently no known cases of chronic wasting disease (CWD) in humans, a study conducted at the Alberta Prion Research Institute recently discovered that the disease can be spread to monkeys who've eaten infected deer meat. The primates chosen for the study were selected for their genetic similarity to humans.
“The assumption was for the longest time that chronic wasting disease was not a threat to human health," Stefanie Czub, the lead researcher of the study told The Tyee. "But with the new data, it seems we need to revisit this view to some degree."
And now wildlife experts are working to implement new guidelines that would require all hunters to test the animals they kill, according to The Denver Post. They're encouraging hunters to go after bucks and elk in herds where CWD is widespread in order to reduce its reach, while Pennsylvania just made it illegal to transport infected parts of carcasses from high-risk areas over state lines, according to the York Dispatch.
CWD was first observed in deer populations during the 1960s, and now in some areas, the disease has infected 25 percent of the local deer population-and those figures are as 79 percent in highly-infected areas, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
The disease causes the brains of infected animals-including deer, elk, caribou, and moose-to slowly deteriorate. In the end, the animals can seem like zombies, with symptoms like drooling, aggression, extreme weight loss, stumbling, and tremors. The condition is always fatal and there is no treatment.
Scientists can't explain exactly how CWD spreads, though they believe animals can become infected through contaminated liquids and foods, and/or through bodily fluids. It's estimated that North American residents eat around 7,000-15,000 chronic wasting disease-ridden animals every year, according to the Alliance for Public Wildlife.
More than 186 counties and 22 states in the U.S. have reported cases of CWD. If you live in one of the counties or states with infected deer, you should be extra proactive about testing any meat before consuming it. You can protect your family by following these guidelines from the CDC:
Avoid shooting deer, elk, and moose that appear sick.
Check to see if there are reported cases in your area before you hunt.
Always test your meat for CWD.
Wear gloves when handling or field-dressing animals and meat.
(h/t The New York Times)
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