Chihuahua Finds Embarrassing Yet Comical New 'Toy' to Play With
Welp, at least she didn't find it in the trash.
Ask any woman who has ever owned a dog (or any human for that matter) what the number one rule of pet ownership is. Odds are good they will tell you to always throw certain items away in the covered trash can. If you don't do this, you can pretty much guarantee that your dog will find something and present it to all the guests at your next dinner party.
This can also happen with unused items as well, which TikTok user @PrayingPiper discovered with his tiny Chihuahua that found a new toy to play with and she has zero interest in letting dad take from her. We cannot stop laughing!
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Typical dog! The comments on this are just gold. @LJ says, "You should be bringing her candy and a heating pad by the looks of it!" @Pleasestoplikingmycomments says, "Piper said, “Down with the patriarchy. No pink tax on panty liners.” @Bananatoast adds, "She carries that in case someone needs it and it’s really thoughtful."
Yup, anything they can get their paws on, and dogs aren't the only animal that does this, because you can just ask any cat that has found a q-tip!
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