People Are Sharing The Adorable Traditions They've Started In Their Relationships And I'm Taking Notes
Relationships are a lot of hard work. It can become a little tricky to keep the spark alive once you are out of the honeymoon phase.
These couples have found ways to keep their spark alive by incorporating adorable traditions and u/idoze has got them sharing their secret traditions on r/AskWomen.
1.This couple that loves small treats.
"During holiday seasons I buy extra of the candy that he likes and stash it in my room and then just, like, give it to him randomly when I can tell that he’s a little bit down and needs a little bit of extra self-care." —u/SoVerySleepy81
2.This couple that has mandatory hang-out time.
"Making dinner is mandatory hang-out time. She cooks while I’m in charge of music/entertainment. We talk, laugh, cry, dance, taste the food, etc." —u/FruitSnackEater
3.This couple that plays games while cooking.
"My husband and I do something similar. He sits at the bar while we pass the bong back and forth while I cook and jeopardy is playing on the TV. Easily one of my favorite parts of my day." —u/sp000kysoup
4.These couples who love to repeat an activity every week.
"My aunt and her GF go to a cafe and they sit in the same spot, same order, and they do this every Friday." —u/Western-Pilot-3924
"My boyfriend and I go to our favorite diner for breakfast every Saturday morning and I always tell him it’s my favorite part of the week! The atmosphere and the familiar waitstaff and the awesome music they’re always playing and the food of course — always makes me feel so cozy and happy." —u/rizaroni
5.This adorable long-distance couple who exchange their travel journals.
"My boyfriend and I have been together for seven years on long distance. When we first met we decided to buy a journal so that on every trip, we would exchange the journal and write in it until we meet again. He had it for the first year and I had it for the second since we can only really see each other once a year. In our seventh year being together, he has it again. I always enjoy reading what he has written and I can't wait until we meet again." —u/TheUselessNugget
6.This couple with a birthday tradition.
"On each other’s birthday party celebrations, we sneak out to be alone for a few minutes. We get small versions of the birthday person’s favorite cake and blow the candles at 11:59 PM, just as the day is ending. Nothing better than spending literally the last seconds of your birthday with your favorite person in the entire world before sneaking back into your own birthday party." —u/fascinates
7.This couple that takes a picture at the same place every year.
"We take the same picture every year at a pumpkin patch in his hometown. We took the first picture after only one month of dating. This year will be our 10th picture that includes our kids now." —u/WuTangraisedme
8.This boyfriend that gets his girlfriend flowers every Saturday.
"He gets me flowers every Saturday morning." —u/teamociluser
9.This couple who loves brunch.
"I work most weekends but get every other Sunday off and on that day we go to our fav cafe and get brunch. We've been doing it for years and I still look forward to it every time." —u/upsidedowntoker
10.This couple who loves cuddles.
"Good morning and night cuddles. I'll set the alarm 15 minutes early just to cuddle together." —u/c_nd_n
11.This couple who loves to dance in the kitchen.
"Every night we dance in the kitchen together. Doesn’t have to be a slow, smoochy song. It can be anything. We just dance and laugh and love each other." —u/ThunderbunsAreGo
12. This wife has my whole heart.
Comment from discussion MiekaAsh120's comment from discussion "What are some of the small 'traditions' you've started in your relationships that keep them alight?".
13.This couple who makes handmade cards for each other.
"Making each other weird little handmade cards for anniversaries and Valentine’s Day, birthday parties for our dogs, making cinnamon rolls on Christmas." —u/ReSpekt5eva
14.This couple that gets Mcdonald's on Thursdays.
"We get McDonald’s on Thursdays after my allergy shot." —u/zoeyjax
15.This couple that picks each other up from the airport.
"My husband and I always pick each other up from the airport whenever we return home." —u/artlover3465
16.This couple who gets a second Christmas.
"Every New Year’s Day we do second Christmas. Christmas Day is traditionally pretty crappy for both of us so we take New Year’s Day and spend it how we would spend the perfect Christmas. We save a present to open, we eat cinnamon buns, watch Christmas movies all day and make a huge Christmas dinner together." —u/marshmellow_delight
17.This couple that does the "foxtrot" dance in every new place they visit.
"We also do this 'foxtrot' dance in every new state or country we go to. It’s def not the foxtrot but that’s what we call it." —u/IncomeOk413
18.This couple that reads to each other every night.
"We read to each other every night." —u/psysoulijah
19.This couple that kisses on a particular street.
"When we started dating, we kissed in a street under construction. Now, every time we go down that street, we kiss." —u/MerakDubhe
20.This adorable couple who kiss whenever they walk over a bridge.
"When we WALK over a bridge, any bridge, we kiss." —u/kenstenbay
21.This couple who plays monopoly after work.
"We play one game of monopoly after work together, it became a tradition, we have a great time playing against other players and making some really good strategies." —u/Spirited-Space-5463
22. This weird yet cute Christmas tradition.
Comment from discussion warawa92's comment from discussion "What are some of the small 'traditions' you've started in your relationships that keep them alight?".