Cat's Sneaky Way of Stealing Mom's Snack Is Quickly Going Viral

We've watched this 100 times already.

It's no question that dogs aren't afraid to beg for your food. But for the most part, they know to ask instead of stealing it or grabbing it from your hand. Cats on the other hand are very sneaky. If you don't have your eyes on your plate at all times, they'll swipe something off your plate without you noticing.

TikTok user @dillakilla was the latest victim of her cat getting into the food. Except for this time, the cat can't deny it. She caught the cat red-handed. Oh, sorry, we mean 'dip-handed.' LOL! Check out this hilarious clip that quickly reached over 7 million views.

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O.M.G. Is this cat serious?! We honestly had no clue what to expect when this video started, but now we can't stop laughing. Just a little quick dip is all that cat needed! @sassateck wrote, "Tippy tappys get the dippy snackies." Exactly!

You got to admit though, this cat is more polite than most people at the table. LOL! "She cleaned her paws first! Very respectful," said @poisonmua. Right?! @omichicoine added, "Say what you want, that cat's got incredible table manners." It's true! Maybe she can teach a Master Class on table manners.

Even the official TikTok account for Walmart commented, "Don't be suspicious, don't be suspicious." That song would have gone perfectly to this video!

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