Cat's Refusal to Leave the Fridge Is All Too Relatable
We've been there before!
There are just some days we truly can't stop going to the fridge. We keep going back to pick out another snack because our belly keeps rumbling. It feels as though we live in there. And it's not different for our pets.
TikTok user @_zayt experienced this with her friend's orange cat. The woman in the video was begging for the cat to come out of the fridge. But the cat wasn't having any of it. This hilarious clip already reached 6 million views within the first few days. Check it out!
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LMAO! That cat wasn't going to leave for nothing and there was no need to leave. He had everything he could ever need right inside the fridge. We get it, we'd absolutely live in the fridge if we could!
"Cat said, 'You get out,'" commented @brandismiless. That's his fridge now! Plus, she was letting all the warm air in. LOL! @libraloveley added, "He's chillin'." Ha! Get it?
Apparently, this is common for cats because several TikTokers were commenting that they experienced the same thing. But it's not all cats, only a certain type. "Orange cat activity for sure," said @jah.daya. LOL! The more you know! @jennifernicole425 asked, "Why is it the gingers that are so naughty?!" Guess we know who's on Santa's naughty list this year. LOL!
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