Cat's Reaction to 'Welcome-Home' Gift From His Human Sister Couldn't Be Sweeter
This story will give you all the feels!
Even with the best intentions, a cat can sneak outside. It happens to the best of us - one minute you are carrying in groceries and the next you are leaving food and a litter box outside hoping the scent will lure your fur baby home. Even cats who never stray from the front porch can sometimes go out further, which is what happened to TikTok user @LunaandGeorge. The scariest part about this? George went out just before a major storm.
Thankfully he was found safe and sound in a neighbor's garage, but it's the sweet welcome home that happened after he was inside that will melt your heart.
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Awwww! It's like he knows! This video is just so sweet. TikTok users are also touched by this with @Bev posts, "Oh my gosh this is the sweetest! So glad he’s back home and safe." @Schorra2 adds, "Thank goodness George is home and safe! Him napping on his picture from your daughter's special picture and it warms my heart- he knows!!" @Snowwhite comments, "Yay!! I am so glad you found him. How sweet of your daughter. He is very loved."
We are so happy Gorge is safe and sound at home and he has the love of his special human sister. Too sweet.
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