Can Someone Explain What Is Going On in This Vogue Spread with Bella Hadid, Lottie Moss and Kylie Jenner?

Oh, just three it-girls frolicking in the woods, nothing to see here. Photo: Vogue
Vogue magazine loves a good it-girl and they’ve tapped three for their January issue – Kylie Jenner, Bella Hadid and Lottie Moss, who for some reason, are dressed as May Day revelers for their feature. The trio posed for a shoot behind a sun-drenched woodland backdrop that looks like something more appropriate for an April issue than one coming out in time for the dead of freakin’ winter. The girls link arms and giggle as photographer Gordon von Steiner snaps away to catch the awkward moments. What is even going on anymore?
The accompanying article talks about how all three gals are the little sisters of celebrities and how their modeling/social media/famous for being related to famous people careers are taking off. They also mention Kylie Jenner’s forthcoming app, which is supposed to be “like Kim’s, but for a younger generation,” which to us means just as fun, but probably with some cultural references us olds won’t get. Lottie Moss is still finishing high school, but has dreams of ditching academia to become a model, because it’s that easy when your big sister is one of the most famous models in the world.
Lottie, Bella and Kylie also got together to play a round of “shag, marry, kill” for the magazine, in which they decide between Harry Potter, Batman and Aladdin. While Lottie ponders which of the three is the richest (the most important factor when choosing a mate,) Kylie notes that it would never work out between she and Harry Potter since she doesn’t know if she “could be with a sorcerer.” Seems like Kylie Jenner’s life is so charmed that she has no need for a little more magic. Ah, to be a wealthy, famous teenager in 2016.
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