Campers Waking Up to a Wild Animal Trying to Eat Their Tent Get Quite the Shock

A husband and wife duo were camping at Dartmoor National Park in England. Everything was going great until they woke up to something terrifying. An animal kept trying to eat through their tent. What do you even do in that situation?!

The husband mustered up the courage to check outside and let's just say they get quite the shock. Take a look at this clip from TikTok user @thegoodsnews that is quickly going viral with 7.3 million views within the first day of being posted. You won't be disappointed!

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O.M.G. This is the last thing we would've ever guessed, but hey, we'd rather see ponies than anything else. LOL! We still can't believe he got the courage to even check what was outside. We would've been way too scared. Luckily he did though because how else would they have known all these ponies were coming to say hello?!

"That threatening rawr," wrote @kremayted. LOL! Not really that threatening, but it is important that he did this. You need to make noise and make yourself known to other animals to, hopefully, scare them away. @blissfulteavids added, "The BEST surprise." You can say that again!

Ponies have a long history in this national park. When the park was designated as a national park in 1951, a pony was selected to be its logo. The Dartmoor National Park website states that ponies are an integral part of the landscape. They roam freely around the park and like all livestock, they're owned by farmers. Be sure to keep your distance as they can be unpredictable and never feed them. Admire from afar!

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