Brock Turner's Lawyer Is Trying to Get His Attempted Rape Charge Overturned by Coining the Term 'Outercourse'
Back in March 2016, Brock Turner was sentenced to six months in jail after being found guilty of sexually assaulting an unconscious, partially-clothed woman during his time at Stanford University. He ended up only serving three months, and in December 2017, it was announced he would be appealing his conviction, one that required him to register as a sex offender.
Originally, Turner was convicted of sexual assault of an unconscious person, sexual assault of an intoxicated person, and sexual assault with intent to commit rape, according to the New York Times. Now, on Tuesday, Turner's lawyer told an appellate court Turner actually wanted "outercourse" with his victim, which his lawyer described as fully-clothed sexual contact, not to be confused with intercourse, consensual or otherwise. According to Mercury News, he argued that Turner had his clothes on when he was found thrusting himself on top of his victim.
The goal is to get justices to overturn Turner's attempted rape charge, but the Mercury News reports that the justices "appeared skeptical" and Justice Franklin D. Elia said, "I absolutely don’t understand what you are talking about," in reference to Turner's lawyer. Assistant Attorney General Alisha Carlile also said his lawyer presented a "far-fetched version of events." The panel now has 90 days to issue a ruling.
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