Breathe Easier With These 34 Air-Purifying Indoor Plants for Your Home or Office
Plants are not only stunning and great for decorating purposes, but they can filter some of the pollutants floating around in the air we breathe.
I often buy them in large quantities because, unfortunately, the green thumb doesn't belong to me. Oftentimes, the plants in my household learn quickly that it's survival of the fittest. But those fit enough to make it in my household are still going strong, cleaning the air I breathe (and I have teenage boys, so I need all of the help I can get with that) all while making my home a little more "homey." And we've got a list of the best air-purifying indoor plants to share with you!
But how much can they really help to clean the air? The idea that plants can filter the air you breathe is actually a bit of a controversial subject on the ol’ internet.
The idea of plants cleaning our air came first from an actual NASA study conducted in 1989. Since then, there have been some contradicting findings done as recently as 2019 that state: A home with 1500 square feet of space would require 680 plants to be growing inside in order for the plants to effectively purify the air.
I do know for a fact that plants create oxygen through photosynthesis, which is the process of plants taking carbon dioxide out of the air and releasing oxygen for us to breathe.
I see absolutely nothing wrong with having almost 700 plants in my home. My husband, however, would have some words. So, even though air-purifying plants can absorb chemicals and make oxygen, a single plant just can’t keep up with the kind of demand that a larger space requires. However, if you're looking to house many air-purifying plants in a room or house, you can still feel good about their impact.
Plants, as a whole, are great for your mental health, and could actually help a bit with your physical health too. One study actually showed that “Viewing plants during the recovery period had a positive influence linking directly to health outcomes of surgical patients.”
Below, we have included a great list of the 34 plants that are great for creating oxygen in your home. Just keep in mind your pets and littles when picking out house plants though. Some can be toxic to dogs, cats and people.
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34 Best Air-Purifying Indoor Plants
1. Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera Plant Live Succulent Plants, Live Aloe Vera Plant Succulents, Live Aloe Plant in Aloe Plant Pot, Aloe Plants Live Indoor Plants, Live Aloe Vera Plant Indoor House Plants by Plants for Pets
Always a fantastic plant choice for your home. Aloe Vera is succulent, needing very little care to be healthy. Uses include burn care, lotions and creams, preventing wrinkles and moderating blood sugar. Looks like this one is handy for many things besides making some fresh air, which it can do for you around the clock.
2. Areca Palms
Areca Palm (Golden Cane Palm) - 4'' from California Tropicals
You can easily grow the areca palm outdoors, but if you have plenty of room in your home and can offer some bright filtered light, this graceful arching palm will look pretty wherever you put it. They are non-toxic for both cats and dogs. (This is great because based on my own experience, cats can't resist arching palm leaves of any kind!)
It is said they can eliminate benzene, xylene, formaldehyde and CO2, from the air we breathe.
3. Baby's Tears
This can be a very invasive plant, so it is best to keep them in containers. But if you have room for these low-growing plants, you will be quite pleased with the results. Their tiny, star-like white flowers can be seen blooming in late spring, but what is striking about baby's tears are the adorable little leaves. The dwarf versions make great aquarium plants. Baby's Tears, $15 on Amazon
4. Bamboo Palms
Bamboo Palm - Live Plant in a 3 Gallon Growers Pot - Chamaedorea Seifrizii - Great Privacy Hedge - Rare Palms from Florida
To make your bamboo palms thrive is easy, just place them in a spot that has indirect lighting, mist the leaves for extra humidity every now and then and you will have fantastic luck growing them. This plant really likes to crank up the O2-making during the night for you.
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5. Banana Plant
Ohio Grown Winter Hardy Basjoo Banana Plant - Musa - 4" Pot
The banana plant is helpful with oxygen-making because of its large leaves. The large leaf surface gives the plant extra stomate. The stomate from the banana plant is used to convert CO2 into oxygen during daylight hours.
6. Begonia
4.25 in. Eco+Grande, Double Delight Blush Rose (Begonia), Live Plant, Pink Flowers (4-Pack)
By converting nitrogen oxides into plant cell proteins, all while absorbing carbon dioxide, begonias can increase the amount of oxygen in their living space.
This plant likes cool areas and damp soil but isn't afraid of a cold spell from time to time either.
7. Bird of Paradise
Another large, leafed beauty that creates a higher stomate count. That means this plant has a higher CO2 exchange for oxygen. You can breathe easier with this one around your home. Birds of paradise love light and warmth, that most homes cannot provide. If your climate is just right outside of your home, you may just get the majestic blooms to appear.
Costa Farms White Bird of Paradise, Live Indoor Plant in Modern Décor Planter, Natural Air Purifier Fresh From Farm, Great House Warming Gift, Living Room Decor, Tropical Home Decor, 2-3 Feet Tall
8. Bonsai
Placement, watering and fertilizing are the first things you should learn about when taking care of your bonsai tree. Once established, a bonsai will use light energy from the sun to perform photosynthesis, which is a natural process that converts carbon dioxide to glucose, water and oxygen.
9GreenBox Live Bonsai Tree - Juniper Tree Bonsai Indoor Decoration Flowering House Plant
9. Boston Fern
Possibly one of the most common ferns to adorn porches everywhere during the summer months is the Boston fern. Besides looking terrific, the Boston fern can absorb formaldehyde and benzene, all while adding humidity to the air for our benefit. Boston Fern, $38.95 at Public Goods
Related: What Are Annual Plants? Plus, Gorgeous Annual Varieties That Make for a Stunning Garden
10. Cast Iron Plant
Cast iron plants love shady areas, and also do well in offices that do not get a lot of light. This plant thrives on neglect, and growing conditions that would most likely kill other kinds of plants. Putting a cast iron plant by your bed at night would be beneficial since nighttime is when this plant makes its oxygen. Cast Iron Plant $36.70 on Amazon
11. Chrysanthemums
White Chrysanthemum Plant Live for Gardening Outdoor, Planting Ornaments Perennial Garden Simple to Grow Pots Gifts
This oxygen-making indoor (or outdoor) plant has a ton of leaves. Because of this, chrysanthemums are able to create quite a bit of O2. They are versatile and long-flowering plants. Used in the fall as decorative pieces on porches, they can be planted in the ground afterward and enjoyed for future years to come.
12. Chinese Evergreen
Costa Farms Aglaonema Live Indoor Plant, 14-Inches, Ships in White-Natural Décor Planter, Gift, 1-2 Feet Tall, Chinese Evergreen, Red
The Chinese evergreen is a popular choice in households not only for its breathtaking foliage colors, but its known ability to remove toxins like formaldehyde from the air. This is another wide-leaf plant, so it can pump out more oxygen into your home as well. Easy to keep, water occasionally and keep in a shaded area.
13. Cyclamen
Live Potted Plant Red Cyclamen Persicum Hardy in Zones 4-10, Nice size Plant
The cyclamen seems to be a popular choice due to its hardiness and unique flowers. But this plant has a few quirks, like going dormant and looking like it has died (and shouldn't be watered during this time). But while you figure it all out, this plant will be making some sweet oxygen for your breathing pleasure.
14. Devil's Ivy (Golden Pothos)
Costa Farms Golden Pothos Devil's Ivy Live Indoor Plant, Easy Care, Farm Fresh, Live Indoor Plant 10-Inches Tall, House Warming Gifts for New Home, Home Gifts for New House
The luscious green leaves of devil's ivy are fantastic filters for removing carbon dioxide and other contaminants from the air that we are breathing. Devil's ivy will stretch its viny limbs out up to ten feet, make sure you can hang it, or have the room to allow it to grow to its full potential.
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15. Dracaena
Dracaena Hawaiian Sunshine - Live Plant in an 10 Inch Growers Pot - Dracaena Deremensis “Hawaiian Sunshine” - Beautiful Indoor Air Purifying Houseplant
If growing a dracaena outside, be aware that it can get up to 20 feet tall! But as a houseplant, it would most likely remain within the 8-foot range. When grown exclusively outside, they may even produce creamy white flowers followed by berries.
One of the highly effective plants for removing the following from your home: carbon dioxide, formaldehyde, benzene and trichlorethylene. Wow—that is a lot of junk being pulled from the air and replaced with some O2.
16. Dumb Cane
Photo by Byron Co on Unsplash
Not the nicest name for a plant, but it became known as the "dumb cane" because it will mute a person's vocal cords for a short period of time if ingested.
Its large variegated leaves are beautiful to look at, all the while it is removing some toxins from the air, leaving owners of the dumb cane able to breathe easier around it.
House Plant Shop | Dieffenbachia Camille Dumb Cane - 3" Pot | Live Indoor Plant | Easy to Care | Natural Décor Plant | Great Gifts| Free Care Guide
17. English Ivy
Photo by Deleece Cook on Unsplash
When tested, the English ivy was able to pull fecal matter and mold spores out of the air, but that was in a controlled setting and a very small space. It still produces oxygen like all other plants, but is it worth bringing this outdoor plant, indoors? Known to be toxic to animals and humans alike, you may want to think twice about this one if you have pets or kids that could ingest it.
3pack Gold Child English Ivy 3" Pot - 'Hedra Helix Plant' -Outdoor and Indoor Plant
18. Ficus
Ficus Benjamina Weeping Fig - 4'' from California Tropicals
The ficus leaves can get rather large, which is all the better for pulling carbon dioxide from the air and converting it into the fresh air that we can breathe. Give it consistent care and the ficus will be an excellent choice for improving both indoor air quality and reducing pollutants inside your home.
19. Gerbera Daisy
Photo by Mahdi Nazmul on Unsplash
This merry little burst of color will be sure to keep you in a good mood all summer long. Gerbera daisies can remove such toxins as benzene and formaldehyde (found in carpets and furniture) from the air. Oxygen will be released back into the air for your benefit.
Live Flowering Gerbera Daisies - Assorted Colors (3 Per Pack) - Spring and Summer Garden Essential, 13" Tall by 7" Wide in 2.5 Quart Pot
20. Hoya
Hoya Australis Vine Wax Flower Live Plant Vanilla Hoya 5 Inches Tall
This plant has the cutest puffballs created by a bunch of tiny little star-shaped flowers. It thrives in medium light, and best of all, releases oxygen out into the air during the nighttime.
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21. Kalanchoe
Junaid Khan/Unsplash
Removing pollutants like trichloroethylene and benzene from the air and replacing it with oxygen, the kalanchoe helps improve air quality, especially if your home has poor ventilation.
Kalanchoe Live Succulents Plants Live Flowers (3 Pack), Kalanchoe Plant Live Succulent Plants, Kalanchoe Plants Live Indoor Plants Live Houseplants, Fresh Flowers for Delivery Prime by Plants for Pets
22. Lady Palm
American Plant Exchange Real Live Lady Palm 6" Pot, Cold Hardy Indoor Houseplant, Dark Green Foliage
Buying a lady palm is an excellent choice for purifying the air within your home. Breaking down toxins like nitrogen oxide and toluene can only help in making the air in your home cleaner. They can grow quite large (up to 6 feet) so it will take quite a large room for this one. Lady palms are perfect for those unused corners of your house.
23. Mint
Clovers Garden Mojito Mint Plant - Two (2) Live Plants – Not Seeds –Each 4"-7" Tal l- in 3.5 Inch Pots - Includes Clovers Garden Copyrighted Plant Care Guide
Mint is a versatile herb that likes sun and water but tends to grow quite slowly. But the reward of making tea with the leaves or using it to make essential oils can pay off. Another great benefit to having mint in your home is that it can naturally help clean the air.
24. Money Tree
A unique looking plant, the money tree's thick stem is often braided or twisted. Its large green leaves can resemble a palm's, and it is a popular ornamental houseplant. This tree is a great oxygen producer, pulling carbon dioxide from the air in the meantime. Money Tree, $68 at The Sill
25. Orchid
Such an amazing flower, the orchid comes in a variety of colors. Orchid flowers usually bloom in groups of three. They are way easier to care for than most people think, and like any other plant, it does produce oxygen.
DecoBlooms Living White Orchid Plant - 5 inch Blooms - Fresh Flowering Home Décor
26. Peace Lily
Photo by Maria Elizabeth on Unsplash
Peace lilies use their leaves to absorb toxins from the air and then those pollutants will be moved down through their roots, becoming broken down by the microbes in the soil. Great for the air, the peace lily is not always a great choice for pet owners.
Costa Farms Peace Lily Plant, Live Indoor House Plant with Flowers, Room Air Purifier in Modern Decor Planter, Potting Soil, Plant Lover, Anniversary or New Home Gift, Desk Decor, 15-Inches Tall
27. Philodendron
Photo by feey on Unsplash
Philodendrons can clean the air around you by removing formaldehyde. They are also a nice tropical touch to any small room or office space. But it grows vine-like, and it will keep going on and on and on...
American Plant Exchange Live Philodendron Brasil Plant, Sweetheart Plant, Heart-Leaf Plant, Plant Pot for Home and Garden Decor, 6" Pot
28. Prayer Plant
Photo by Jo?o Medina on Unsplash
Known for their one-of-a-kind leaf variations, prayer plants are quite regularly used as statement pieces inside homes. Just like any other plant, prayer plants create oxygen, improving air quality for all to enjoy.
California Tropicals Lemon Lime Prayer Plant - Maranta - Rare Variety Live House Plant - Tropical Decor - Unique Real Plants Interior Garden Outdoors Supplies - Small Pot - 4 Inch Potting Decor
29. Red Anthurium
Plants & Blooms Shop? PB406 Anthurium, 5", Red in White Pot
Another striking plant, this one produces rubber-like red flowers that look artificial. Its flowers are the longest-lasting of any other houseplant. They are also excellent converts of CO2 to O2!
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30. Rubber Plant
Photo by Elle Lumière on Unsplash
The oval-leaved rubber plant is part of the ficus group of plants. It can clean the indoor air by absorbing some of the harmful gases released by our products. It, of course, does produce oxygen for us to breathe like all other plants as well.
As long as you give the rubber plant the right amount of light and water, you will be on your way to growing a tree that can get up to 50 feet tall. (Yikes!)
Wild Interiors WA5066 Peperomia Rubber Plant in Matte Pink Ceramic Pottery, Live Indoor Plant, Two-Tone Leaves, Fully Rooted, Obtipan Green, Pink Home Décor, 5" Diameter, 12" Tall
31. Schefflera
Photo by Katrien Van crombrugghe on Unsplash
These are neat plants to grow and can be pruned in a way to make them bushier if you like. Just make sure they get plenty of indirect light, warmth and humidity and the schefflera plant will take care of you back by pulling out gases into their leaves and down to their roots. Once filtered, the plant will then release some O2 back into the room it is living in.
House Plant Shop | Schefflera Arboricola 'Umbrella Plant' - 4" Pot | Live Indoor Plant | Easy to Care | Natural Décor Plant | Great Gifts| Free Care Guide
32. Snake Plant
Photo by Jake Goossen on Unsplash
Snake plants are fantastic starter plants. They are robust and come in a wide range of leaf color variations. It helps the air in your home to be cleaner by releasing oxygen at night while you are asleep.
Perfect Plants Snake Plant Sansevieria Trifasciata Laurentii 16in Tall | Easy Care Houseplant | Perfect for Low to Bright Light Conditions, 6 in Grower's Pot
33. Spider Plant
Ocean Spider Plant - 4'' Pot 3 Pack for Better Growth - Cleans the Air/Easy to Grow by Jmbamboo
Hailed by some as the best of the plants for air purifying, the spider plant is hard to kill and easy to propagate. Other benefits of owning a spider plant are that they absorb ozone impurities and make great decorations.
34. ZZ Plant
Costa Farms ZZ Plant, Live Indoor Houseplant in Modern Decor Planter, Natural Air Purifier in Potting Soil, Gift for Plant Lovers, Birthday Gift, Tabletop Living Room Decor, Desk Decor, 12-Inches Tall
As a species, it is known for its ability to survive in a variety of conditions, including air that is low in oxygen. ZZ plants are a fantastic choice to have in your home, as they are low maintenance, needing only moderate light. It grows from rhizomes that resemble potatoes.
So maybe you can't have 650 plants in your home, but if you increase all of your plants to as many as you can have (or fit) and everyone else does the same, then we have naturally increased the amount of oxygen for the planet.
And it may not even make much of a difference, but I would like to think that I can at least do something to help our planet—even if it is only one plant at a time.
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