‘Breast Neck’ Is the New ‘Tech Neck’—Here’s How to Treat It
You love your baby the most, but the fact that she’s only comfortable nursing if you hunch over her head with you left arm at a 90-degree angle is making you want to scream. It’s also kind of painful and can cumulatively take a toll. The good news: There’s a name for the condition: Breast neck. There’s also a cure.
Oh dear God what is breast neck? Basically, it’s the twinges, tightness and numbness you start to feel from locking your arm in the same position while breastfeeding for a whopping eight to 12 times per day.
Ouch, but how do you treat it? With a couple of pain relieving stretches that you do immediately following a feed. First: Bring your right arm out in front of you and rotate it around in front of your chest toward your left side as far as it will go. (Repeat on your left side.) Next: Bring your arms behind your back and clasp the opposite elbow, then drop and relax your shoulders while slowly folding forward from your waist. Repeat as needed until you can feel the tension lift.
Any other tips? Pillows are your friend. Whether you use an actual Boppy or a random cushion from your couch, use pillows to prop your baby up, so your neck doesn’t have to do all the work.
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