How to Make a Bow for a Wreath in 3 Easy Steps
Just like it takes young kids a few tries before they can tie their shoes, perfecting the classic Christmas bow simply takes a little practice. This year, skip the expensive store-bought bows: We'll walk you through three easy steps to help you make your own. In addition to saving money, there are a few more benefits to making your own bows—you can pick your ribbon and the size, plus you can customize your look with a different embellishment for each season. Follow these simple steps to learn how to make a bow with ribbon, and see how easy it is to attach it to a classic evergreen wreath that works for any season.
Jacob Fox
How to Tie a Bow for a Wreath
Supplies Needed
Step-by-Step Directions
Follow these simple how-to instructions to tie a classic bow and add it to a wreath. You should be able to complete the steps in about 5 minutes.
Step 1: Select the Ribbon
To make a big statement, opt for a thick ribbon that's at least 2 inches wide. Ribbon with a wire edge gives the final look more shape and durability. For a casual or rustic appearance, select a linen or burlap ribbon. If you're planning to don a wreath with many bows, consider using ribbon that's one inch thick.
Step 2: Tie the Bow
First, fold the ribbon length back and forth, forming two loops at the top and one loop in the bottom center. Be careful not to twist the ribbon. Then cross the top right loop over the top left loop, and fold what is now the left loop down behind the right loop and then through the bottom loop. Finally, pull the top loops taut, forming a knot in the center of the bow. Trim the tails and notch the ends as desired.
Related: Try Making a DIY Pom-Pom Bow
Jacob Fox
Step 3: Attach the Bow to the Wreath
Slip a length of florists wire through the back of the bow, and wrap it around the wreath in the desired location to complete the project. Finesse to smooth any wrinkles. Don't worry if it doesn't look perfect—you can always pull it apart and start over. Once you've mastered how to make a bow for a wreath, try making another handmade bow to top wrapped gifts or use them as Christmas ornaments.
Related: How to Make a Gorgeous Florist Bow