There Is a Big Difference Between Cultural Appropriation and Appreciation
For many, October is an exciting month: leaves change colors, boots-and-sweater weather returns, and, of course, Halloween is celebrated. But for a lot of people Halloween can be as uncomfortable as it is fun. Sure, plenty of witches and ghosts are summoned on All Hallows’ Eve but even the spookiest of celebrations can be thwarted by people dressing up as “Indians” or donning an Afro with their ‘70s-inspire costume. For many white Americans, this might seem innocuous and difficult to understand. But these costumes harm those in marginalized communities; making a caricature of vibrant, vital cultures that have shaped our nation. While it’s appropriate to appreciate these cultures and communities, cultural appropriation and cultural appreciation are two very different things. Especially this year, as the country experiences a racial reckoning it’s important to learn the difference as we try to make a more inclusive world.
What Is Cultural Appropriation?
Appropriation, simply put, is taking something and making it your own. Cultural appropriation takes the term a step further, focusing on a privileged group taking cultural elements from groups that are marginalized as a direct result of colonialism, according to the Oxford English Dictionary.
Headdresses, for example, are often seen by non-Native Americans as part of a “costume.” But for the North American Plains tribes from which headdresses originate, headdresses (also called war bonnets) are more akin to war medals. The generalization that headdresses are worn by all Indigenous peoples is a result of years of misunderstanding and cultural theft for the benefit of non-Indigenous people — Halloween costumes are just one example of that on-going theft.
Of course, cultural appropriation isn’t limited solely to attire, and it’s certainly not limited to one specific marginalized group. Gwen Stefani, for example, has been appropriating other cultures for years, as noted by the Daily Dot. From her bindi-wearing days in No Doubt to her solo-act Harajuku era, many of Stefani’s choices are the textbook definition of appropriation and an example of what not to do. Similarly, as BuzzFeed notes, the Kardashians have exhibited cultural appropriation over the years, from wearing a hijab, to donning protective braid styles created and used by Black women, to tanning as a way to make themselves look like Black women (a concept called “Black-fishing”). J.K. Rowling appropriated Indigenous spiritual beliefs when she wrote about “Magic In North America” for Pottermore, and Sephora came under fire after releasing a “Witch Starter Kit” and appropriating Wicca, a spiritual practice.
Why Is Cultural Appropriation Bad?
The harm of cultural appropriation occurs when elements that hold significance in certain cultures are stripped of their meaning and treated as a passing fad. When these elements (language, clothing, food, etc.) are no longer respected or recognized as important, a sort of identity vacuum is created.
Suddenly, traditional roles are stripped away. And, when the identity of a group is taken away or made to be trendy, cartoonish, or criminalized, or passed off as someone else’s, members of that group are left with no choice but to assimilate.
“They have to adopt elements of the dominant culture in order to survive conditions that can make their lives more difficult if they don’t," Luiza Dreasher, Assistant Dean and Director, Office of Multicultural and International Inclusion, Mitchell Hamline School of Law in St. Paul, Minnesota, writes in an article for the Inclusion Solution.
At best, appropriation can create caricatures of very real people; individual human monoliths of entire complex and unique civilizations. At worst, it can assist in the erasure of entire cultural groups. For example, according to the History Channel thousands of Indigenous children across the United States and Canada were forced into residential or boarding schools and separated from their families, with many recorded instances of forced assimilation: being beaten for speaking their Native language and being forced to cut their hair.
Cultural appropriation isn’t just disrespectful, it is dehumanizing.
How Do I Avoid Appropriation?
So, does this mean you can’t eat foods from other cultures, or read books by authors of other races, or (appropriately) participate in holidays that honor other cultures? Of course not! There is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to learn more, and there are many ways to respectfully appreciate a culture, race, or ethnicity different from your own.
The first — and probably most important — thing you can do is practice empathy. Don’t assume that you know better or more than someone of a different background. Acknowledge that lived experiences are as unique as every individual, and that not all people of a given group are going to have the same opinion. Listen to as many diverse voices as you can and, rather than respond, reflect on what they’re saying.
Second, consider your source of information. If you’re reading about another culture, make sure the author is from that culture. If you want to purchase artwork, jewelry or clothing of a certain cultural style, make sure the creator is from the culture. ( And ensure you pay a fair price for their work – no cheap, mass produced tchotchkes allowed!) You may have to do some research and you’ll likely pay more than what you’re used to, but this kind of support is unparalleled in truly appreciating marginalized communities.
Finally, make sure you are sharing this newfound information with others, particularly children. Make sure the books you are reading or studying with your children, or the movies they are watching, are authentic and appropriate. If you read a book or watch a film that isn’t authentic, talk with your kids afterward. And remember, it’s OK to say, “in the past, some people thought or did bad things to other people because they were different, but we want to try to be better now.” After all, Disney’s Peter Pan is still one of my favorite movies, but I really don’t like the portrayal of Tiger Lily, naturally.
The difference between appropriation and appreciation can be a tricky path to navigate, and it can feel like a constantly shifting concept as the world continues to change so rapidly. But keeping an open, respectful, and loving perspective is the first step toward understanding. And when in doubt, do your research.
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