'Big Brother 25's Jury Begins with a Brutal Backdoor
The 'Big Brother 25' houseguests during this season's combination Zingbot/OTEV competition
This week saw Big Brother 25 begin the long-awaited jury phase. After the biggest wildcard in the house came into power, the various forces behind the scenes tried to use them to exact their will. In the end, the Minutemen prevailed, continuing to gain power as they broke a newly formed alliance to boot the biggest competition threat in the game.
Check out more information about tonight's episode below and find out who was evicted.
Related: Everything to Know About Big Brother 25
Who was eliminated on Big Brother 25 tonight?
Sonja Flemming/CBS
Cameron Hardin
It was Groundhog Day all over again for Cameron Hardin. Three weeks ago, Jag won a Veto, and he was backdoored and booted for being a huge competition threat. He was granted a second life in the game via the "BB Zombie" twist, and tried to make new inroads. When Bowie Jane won HoH, Cameron thought their close relationship meant he would squeak through for once without having to win a competition. But Matt and Jag got into Bowie's ear. And when Jag won the Veto yet again, it cemented yet another Cameron backdoor and boot.
Who won Head of Household for Week 11?
The Head of Household competition did not start during tonight's eviction episode, so we won't know the results until Sunday's installment.
Related: Meet the Full Cast of Big Brother 25
Who's left in the game on Big Brother 25?
America Lopez
Blue Kim
Bowie Jane
Cirie Fields
Cory Wurtenberger
Felicia Cannon
Jag Bains
Matt Klotz
Next, check out our interview with Mecole "Meme" Hayes, who was evicted during Big Brother 25 Week 9.