This Is the Best Way to Store Cheese, According to a Cheesemonger
After carefully searching the cheese aisle of the grocery store for the tastiest cheeses money can buy (or, um, whatever end pieces are on sale), you finally settle on five fancy-looking wedges to serve at your dinner party. But then, *gasp*, your party guests barely make a dent in your carefully curated cheese plate. Don’t worry: Your haul can be salvaged, says Lauren McDowell, Certified Cheese Professional (yep, it’s a thing).
If you really want to protect your stash, invest in fancy cheese storage paper. (We love the paper from Formaticum, because it comes with its own adhesive labels.) But McDowell says a square of wax or parchment paper is also a great choice—way better than plastic wrap, which doesn’t allow the cheese to breathe and is more likely to create a moldy environment.
Finally, always keep wrapped cheeses in the warmest parts of the fridge (think: the vegetable crispers at the bottom, where air doesn’t circulate).
Congratulations, you’re basically a cheesemonger. (Or a cheese eating expert, at the very least.)
RELATED: The 10 Best Cheeses at Trader Joe’s, Hands Down, No Contest
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