The Best Independent Bookstores Across the U.S.
There's no denying the power of books. Carefully crafted stories have the ability to transport readers to worlds unknown, heal others with powerful words, and teach readers important lessons about society. One of the most powerful attributes of books are their ability to unite people from different walks of life, and there's no place to experience this connection than at your local bookstore.
In recent years, online retailers and the devastation of the coronavirus pandemic have challenged small, locally owned bookstores. However, many have proven their importance as community staples, offering one-of-a-kind lectures and rare editions you can only find within that shop's four walls. Discover some of our favorite independent bookstores in the country that not only impress with their collections but in their roles as cultural institutions.
Blue Bicycle Books in Charleston, South Carolina
At a glance, one may assume the quaint bookstore on the corner of Charleston's Upper King Street has a limited selection. However, Blue Bicycle Books proves the phrase, "don't judge the book by its cover," as it boasts an impressive collection of classics and modern first editions in a space that goes 172 feet back. The shop was originally founded in 1995 as Boomer's Books by Lee and Jim Breedan with a focus on used and locally published books. Longtime employee Jonathan Sanchez eventually bought the store in 2007, and the newly renamed Blue Bicycle Books soon evolved into the premier location for authors and book lovers to connect through classes, events, and talks. It also famously hosts the YALLFest!, a renowned young adult book festival that unites best-selling YA authors with over 10,000 fans all in one special place.
Birchbark Books & Native Arts in Minneapolis, Minnesota
Birchbark Books & Native Arts, owned by the renowned author Louise Erdrich, celebrates and uplifts Native American culture through literature and art. While the intimate bookstore does offer the latest best-sellers, it truly shines with its one-of-a-kind selection of books by and about Native Americans. Visitors will find resurrected birch trees designated as a creative nook for children to read and learn about the Indigenous communities while a rescued confessional acts as a place for guests to reflect. One can also find traditional art prints, crafts, and even skincare sourced from local artists and artisans scattered throughout the organized shelves and tables of books.
City Lights in San Francisco, California
Poet Lawrence Ferlinghetti and Peter D. Martin founded the landmark City Lights in 1953, specializing in paperback books on world literature, the arts, and progressive politics. The shop's progressive thinking attracted the attention of scholars and writers like the Beat poets who spent hours among the stacks discussing global affairs and their works. Poet Allen Ginsberg published his acclaimed collection Howl and Other Poems through City Lights, helping the institution stake its claim as a leading publishing house. Today, the destination spans across three floors with new and used books filling the shelves and the chatter of upcoming authors serving as the store's soundtrack.
The Elliott Bay Book Company in Seattle, Washington
The Elliott Bay Book Company has served as a refuge for bibliophiles throughout Seattle and beyond since 1973. The bookstore originally took up shop in the Globe Building on Main Street with rows upon rows of books, an event space for author readings, and Seattle’s first bookstore café. As the store grew, it was clear the old building could not hold its unique collection of books, and the company moved to a new location in Capitol Hill. Today, the Elliott Bay Book Company is home to over 150,000 titles on the same cedar shelves from its original location and hosts more than 500 author readings a year.
Faulkner House Books in New Orleans, Louisiana
Nestled in New Orleans' historic French Quarter, this oh-so-charming bookstore houses a vast selection of fine literature along with New Orleans-centric books. The bookstore was once the former townhouse of William Faulkner and the site where he wrote his first novel, Soldiers’ Pay. You'll find rare first editions of Faulkner's work along with other legendary authors hidden across the shop's two rooms. During the early months of the coronavirus pandemic, Faulkner House Books pivoted to offer a subscription service where the shop's knowledgeable staff members hand selects 3 to 5 books each month based on your interests.
Powell's Books in Portland, Oregon
Powell’s Books is arguably one of the most famous independent bookstores in the U.S. for its astronomical collection that occupies an entire city block. Since 1971, the Portland mainstay has connected book lovers around the world through its impressive stacks, author readings, and in-depth blog. The bookstore giant has grown in popularity so much that it has opened four other locations across Portland along with a successful e-commerce site. In celebration of its 50th year in business, Powell's published a list of the staff's top 50 must-reads that embody who we are as a nation.
Semicolon Bookstore in Chicago, Illinois
Danielle Mullen wandered past a space for rent in Chicago one spring afternoon in 2019, and after a quick inquiry and twist of fate, the place was hers that same day. By the summertime, Semicolon Bookstore, the city’s only Black woman-owned bookstore and gallery space, officially opened with the mission to connect people through literature, art, and the pursuit of knowledge. The shop is also dedicated to uplifting artists and writers of the Black community and show the power of words. After a successful two years in business, Semicolon Bookstore plans to move to the Wicker Park neighborhood in Chicago to provide an even larger space for artists of all backgrounds to gather and create.
Square Books in Oxford, Mississippi
Housed between three separate buildings, Square Books offers a little bit of everything to help fill even the most eccentric book needs. The main store in the historic town square of Oxford, Mississippi houses the company's general collection of the latest books with a cozy cafe. Square Books, Jr., caters to younger readers while Off Square Books centers around lifestyle books on gardening and cooking. Rare Square Books is the latest venture and features collectible, vintage, and even first-edition books by famed American authors such as William Faulkner, who lived in the town.
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