The Best Advice a Friend Gave Me

two females with speech bubble
The Best Advice a Friend Gave MeTara Moore - Getty Images

In this week’s intention video, Oprah and Gayle talk all about friendship and the importance of considering advice from our nearest and dearest. As always, Oprah wanted to hear your thoughts on the subject. Specifically, she asked Insiders to share the best advice they’ve received from a pal. Here, some standout comments with advice so good, it just has to be shared!

Give Others the Space to Grow

“The best advice I ever got from a friend was to not take away someone else’s learning pain. I had been complaining that this other person was not listening to my wisdom, expertise, and solid information. My friend said to me, ‘It's not right to steal away anyone else’s opportunity to learn and grow.’” -DRDONNAKIEL

Choose Faith Over Fear

“Two years ago, in the height of Covid, I was hospitalized with a binary pulmonary embolism. I spent the first several days in the hospital in desperate fear and agony, worried about everything. A man who has always picked up on my innermost fears told me to reframe my thinking because God was calling me closer to Him. Filled up with this hope, my fear became faith and I found myself praying in a deeper, more God-conscious way. Over the next few weeks I would have to make sudden important decisions to put both of my parents in care; and I would begin a journey with my dying father toward God—one that began in that hospital and probably never would have happened without it.” -SPARKLEKING

Live Life on Your Terms

“My dear friend Amy said to me, ‘Are you seriously going to stay married to him because of what other people think? You only get one life; who cares what other people think?’ I left a lying cheat and never looked back.” -MMA4530

Know Your (Fashion!) Weaknesses

“Years ago, my best friend of 35 years told me that I should never be allowed to shop for shoes without her. And I haven’t since—I have horrible shoe sense.” -MSCDEN

Be Mindful of Who You Surround Yourself With

“Last year my best friend and business coach told me that I had the wrong people around me in my business and I was operating too low. I should have cleared the house, and I didn’t do it. I lost my son in December, and not one of them sent me a card, flower, or a dollar. Talk about the pain of not listening to my friend.” -MAY9886

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