Go Behind the Scenes of The Serpent Queen with Ludivine Sagnier
“I’ve never played a real villain,” Ludivine Sagnier says, “and that’s what attracted me to Diane so much.” The award-winning French actress is talking about Diane de Poitiers, the infamous mistress to King Henry II, whom she portrays in the new Starz series The Serpent Queen. “I was playing a thug in a princess’s clothing, and I loved that.”
True, her de Poitiers is a foil to Catherine de Mecidi (played by both Liv Hill and Samantha Morton), but the appeal of taking on the part is greater than that. “I was really attracted to the opportunity to depict this part of French history, especially through the female gaze,” Sagnier says. “All of this history has been depicted by male historians who’ve denied the power and intelligence of women at the court, who had no rights and therefore had to be stronger in order to evolve socially. Also, she’s not only a villain but a character who has so much density, so many layers, so much intelligence and emotion.”
Here, Sagnier opens her personal camera roll to T&C to share a behind-the-scenes look at The Serpent Queen, and the moments that didn’t make it on screen.
"This was a long day. We were shooting a joust scene, when Henry II is fighting, and it took a long time because of all the horses, the lances, the stunt performers, and all of that. There were many moments when we had to wait, and because our trailers were far away we’d sit and have fun to pass the time. I really enjoyed being with Rupert Everett because he always had a book in his hand—I’ve never seen someone read so much!—and he’s a very refined man with a lot of interests, so we had a lot to talk about."
"I can’t spoil what’s happening in this picture, but I think it’s funny to look at. I’ve been on wires before; 20 years ago I was in Peter Pan playing Tinkerbell, and I was on wires for almost a year. I really enjoyed it. It’s very technical and physical, but it’s a lot of fun and the results on the screen really work."
"This is the Chateau de Chambord in the Loire Valley. It was the real castle where Francois I had his court. He lived there because Versailles existed but was not as big as what it would be under Louis VIX, so this was the most prestigious castle the royal family had at the time. We got to shoot there, which was absolutely stunning. The stairs were done by Leonardo da Vinci; it’s an amazing place, tourists are visiting all the time, so to have it just for us was a great privilege."
"Hair and makeup was a big part of the job, it took almost two hours every morning. So, I spent a lot of time in the hair and makeup chair, but it was wonderful with that crew. We’d listen to music and laugh a lot, and I loved that time. It’s something that’s so important for actors but is rarely visible to the audience, so I’m glad to share it."
"My face is covered because Diane wears a mask. She was so obsessed with aging that she always protected her face to preserve her complexion. Even if she was out riding, she’d do it with a mask on. I was proud because I learned to ride a horse sidesaddle for this show. It’s not that easy but I enjoyed it. And this costume feels threatening. It adds some mystery to the character and I like that."
"This is part of trailer life! It took so much time to get dressed each day, but I’d take selfies with all the costumes anyway. I was so impressed with everything I got to wear."
"You can’t see my feet here, so it looks a bit surreal. Also, I had the vanity to find the proper sunglasses for Diane. Of course, it’s not part of her costume but I loved these because I thought they would really suit the character; they’re Miu Miu sunglasses and feel completely connected to her. I wasn’t allowed to keep the costumes, of course, but the glasses were mine and now they remind me of her."
"In the show, Liv Hill’s character [a young Catherine de Medici] and mine are rivals. So, I love this picture because it’s about the relationship Liv and I have in real life. We were very close and really supported one another. She’s a smart lady and such a great actress, it was so powerful to work with her. We shot during the height of Covid and the Brits weren’t allowed to go back to the U.K., so even during their time off they’d stay—it felt like a long summer camp, so we all developed a real intimacy."
"We were shooting in the south of France at this time, in Marseilles, and it was very hot. We were all sweating in our costumes, and I didn’t want to take my corset off even during breaks because I wanted my body to get used to it. When i took this picture, I felt like I looked a bit more modern because I didn’t have the rest of my costume on."
Go Behind the Scenes of The Serpent Queen with Ludivine Sagnier
“I’ve never played a real villain,” Ludivine Sagnier says, “and that’s what attracted me to Diane so much.” The award-winning French actress is talking about Diane de Poitiers, the infamous mistress to King Henry II, whom she portrays in the new Starz series The Serpent Queen. “I was playing a thug in a princess’s clothing, and I loved that.”
True, her de Poitiers is a foil to Catherine de Mecidi (played by both Liv Hill and Samantha Morton), but the appeal of taking on the part is greater than that. “I was really attracted to the opportunity to depict this part of French history, especially through the female gaze,” Sagnier says. “All of this history has been depicted by male historians who’ve denied the power and intelligence of women at the court, who had no rights and therefore had to be stronger in order to evolve socially. Also, she’s not only a villain but a character who has so much density, so many layers, so much intelligence and emotion.”
Here, Sagnier opens her personal camera roll to T&C to share a behind-the-scenes look at The Serpent Queen, and the moments that didn’t make it on screen.
The actress shares her favorite photos from the set of the dark royal costume drama, streaming now.
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