Barbie Is Doing “Self-Care” Now, and I Think We’ve Gone Too Far
As a health editor for the majority of my career, I’ve watched the health and fitness world evolve into a way broader, sexier thing called wellness (which also goes by “self-care”). And while that transition resulted in lots of CBD bath bombs, aromatherapy sprays, crystals, and face masks crossing my desk (FUN!), all that swag for editorial consideration is evidence that “self-care” and “wellness” are just words used to sell women things they don’t need in the name of mental or physical health. And now Barbie is getting in on that trend.
Earlier today, Mattel unveiled the Barbie Wellness Collection. In a press release, the company states, “The Barbie Wellness collection will introduce girls to the benefits of self-care through play.” It goes on, “The collection teaches girls daily routines that promote emotional well-being and includes three key themes: meditation, physical well-being, and self-care; because Barbie knows to be one’s best is to give yourself the best care.”
The collection includes Barbie Fashionista Breathe With Me Barbie, which guides you through five different meditations; Barbie Spa Doll, who soaks “away the day with spa and bath products” like a bath brush, bath bombs, and a candle; Spa Day Fitness Doll wearing athleisure and a (probably smart) watch and carrying a protein bar; and three spa-day-themed play sets (think: manis, pedis, facials, and bubble baths).
My first question: Isn’t play basically self-care for kids? Why does that natural kid activity need to be tainted with the message that small fries should also be meditating with an app that costs $13 a month, eating post-workout protein bars, taking a luxe bubble bath, or visiting a spa for beauty treatments?
Even if it’s not meant to imply that girls should be spending their allowance on self-care right now, we’re telling them that this is what they need to do to be a successful grown-up. After all, “Barbie knows to be one’s best is to give yourself the best care.”
Yes, a spa day is fucking awesome, and your girl definitely spends quality time in le tub, but this is not required to be a functioning adult with solid emotional and physical well-being. If Mattel is aiming to show girls what’s really worth the investment in your physical and mental health, I’d like to suggest Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Barbie and Barbie’s first annual Pap smear play set.
This collection proves that we’re all really unclear on what self-care is. It spotlights that wellness is mostly a really good marketing strategy. Slap a “self-care” slogan on anything and it’s suddenly worthy of women’s income...and a #SelfCareSunday ’gram.
Don’t get me wrong, I love Barbie! I think she’s made huge strides in inclusivity over the past few years. And I really believe that Mattel meant well when it developed these dolls with extra-bendy joints suitable for meditation poses, lifting weights, and soaking in a tub, but it’s just as confused by wellness as the rest of us. Sadly, that confusion is just turning young girls into enthusiastic customers instead of healthy, well-rounded women.
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