Is Your Baby a Late Bloomer?
The range of when children take their first steps and utter their first words is huge. Here are some reasons for late walking and talking in babies.
Medically reviewed by Natalie D. Muth, M.D.
My son James didn't crawl. The pediatrician said not to worry until he hit his first birthday, so I began counting the days before I could officially freak out. James barely made the deadline, crawling 12 days before he turned 1. (Note that some babies never crawl, which can be normal too).
He then took his first two steps across the playpen at 14 months, and I breathed a huge sigh of relief. But then he didn't take another step for four months.
When your child is a late bloomer—a sweet name for a kid who hits milestones later than average—waiting for them to walk or talk can be nerve-racking. You wonder: Is there something I should have done? Is there something I should be doing? Is my baby OK?
While you should always seek a medical assessment and advice for any concerns about your baby, there is some good news: Milestone timelines are broader than you might think, and every baby is different.
Read to learn reasons for delayed developmental milestones like late talking and late walking in babies, what you can do about it, and when to be concerned.
Related: A Week-by-Week Guide to Your Baby's First Year Milestones
Late Language Development
Luke Nelson, 2, of Dartmouth, Massachusetts, is a great communicator. He makes faces and uses a wide variety of gestures. He points to what he wants. He shakes his head for "yes" and "no." He follows commands (and sometimes refuses with a stamp of his foot), demonstrating that he understands what's said to him. He just doesn't say much back.
According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), by 1 year, most babies will say at least one word, and by 18 months to 2 years old, they typically learn about one new word every week. That said, these are averages, which means some kids will hit this milestone sooner while others will hit it later.
Related: Here's When Babies Start Talking
Reasons for late language in babies
Language delays are not uncommon. According to the AAP, late language development is the most common delay, affecting 1 in 5 children. That's because communicating is complicated, says Pamela High, MD, a developmental-behavioral pediatrician at Hasbro Children's Hospital in Providence, Rhode Island.
Language development requires understanding and speaking, and these skills develop differently. Receptive language (understanding) must happen first and usually comes before expressive language (speaking) by half a year. So if, for instance, your toddler can point to their nose when you ask them to, that's a sign that their language skills are developing, even if they are not yet talking.
Barry Zuckerman, MD, professor and chair of pediatrics at Boston University School of Medicine says that if your child is behind with expressive language, the first thing a health care provider is likely to check is your child's hearing. And Dr. High reassures, "Lack of early language doesn't mean that your child won't be bright." Albert Einstein, for one, didn't speak until well after his second birthday.
What you can do to encourage talking
You can do the following to promote your child's language development:
Talk to your baby all day long, using real words.
Read books often and consistently.
Have playdates so kids can communicate with each other.
Respond to their words with more words.
Sing songs and say rhymes to your child.
If you're concerned about your child's language development, it's a good idea to have a discussion with a health care provider. There may be a simple solution or resources that can help. For instance, Luke's mother, Karen, realized that she and the rest of the family were talking for her son, leaving him little opportunity to practice his language skills.
"I'd guess, out loud, what he wanted, and when I got it right, he'd nod and do his little happy dance," she says. "Now I make it a point to say, 'Tell me what you want' and wait for him to respond. This approach takes longer. It was faster to guess what Luke wanted to drink, for example, than to wait for him to say 'juice' or 'milk.' But the payoff of waiting is that Luke is gaining vocabulary."
Personality plays a role in talking too. Dr. Zuckerman explains that some babies are naturally quiet. You can help draw them out by singing songs, telling nursery rhymes, mimicking their sounds, and encouraging them to mimic you. Also, "there's nothing like sharing books," Dr. Zuckerman says. "Point and name things in the pictures, and ask your child to point and name."
Related: A Month-By-Month Guide to Speech Development
Late Crawling Development
Lydia Hawley-Brillante, of Baltimore, never crawled and didn't walk until she was almost 2. Her mom, Robin, remembers Lydia as the most placid baby she'd ever seen. "She learned to sit at 6 months and was content with that. She didn't try to pull up to a stand," Robin says.
After Lydia turned 1, Robin began lifting her to her feet so she could hold on to the coffee table. She'd leave Lydia stranded there for a little while, and when Lydia got bored enough, she tried to move. That's how she started cruising at 18 months. Eventually, she took her first steps without holding on. Shocked by her accomplishment, she didn't try again for a week.
Related: When Do Babies Crawl?
Reasons for late crawling in babies
When (or if) a baby crawls often has to do with a baby's personality. Some babies are content with whatever is around them, while others are more curious and interested in exploring.
According to the AAP, most babies start to crawl between 7 and 10 months. That said, some children never crawl, which is often totally normal, too. Usually, babies who don't crawl use some other method for getting around, like scooting on their bottoms or slithering on their stomachs.
The AAP says as long as your child coordinates their gross motor movements to use both arms and legs equally, there usually isn't cause for concern. But, it's always a good idea to bring developmental concerns up to a health care provider at your child's well-baby visits.
Related: What to Know About New CDC Developmental Milestones for Kids
What you can do to encourage crawling
To encourage your baby to crawl, offer tummy time, which encourages them to use their arms muscles to hold themselves up. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) suggests placing a toy or other coveted object just out of reach and encouraging them to move forward to reach it. Be sure to celebrate with them when they do!
Late Walking Development
The range of when children learn to walk is huge. According to the AAP, most children take their first steps holding onto furniture by 12 months. But, it isn't until 18 months that babies are expected to take independent steps without assistance.
Some babies walk as early as 8 months, and some, like my son, walk at 18 months. It's all in the normal range, though if you're concerned, the CDC suggests completing a milestone checklist and a health care provider about developmental screening.
"If the child has good muscle tone and reflexes, I don't worry too much," Dr. Zuckerman says.
Related: When Do Babies Start Walking?
Reasons for late walking in babies
There are many reasons for late walking in babies. Heredity plays a part; if either parent was a late walker, there's a chance the baby will also be.
In addition, sometimes babies who are big walk later because they have more weight to support, and building strength takes time. And just as in language development, personality plays a role. Some babies are content staying put.
The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio lists the following health-related reasons a baby may walk late:
Low birth weight or prematurity
Prolonged illness or hospitalization during infancy
Developmental delays caused by some conditions, like Down syndrome or fetal alcohol spectrum disorders
Neulogic or neuromuscular conditions, like spina bifida or cerebral palsy
Usually, there is no reason to suspect a medical condition unless other signs accompany the delay. If your child isn't taking independent steps by 15 months, a health care provider may recommend an evaluation to be sure there aren't signs of an underlying cause.
What you can do to encourage walking
Despite the name, baby walkers do not actually promote walking in babies. In fact, research has found the opposite to be true: Babies who use walkers have lower locomotive development test scores than those who do not. In addition, they can negatively impact a child's developing gait and posture.
So, what can you do to encourage walking instead? Similar to crawling, you can encourage walking by cheering your baby on when they stand and try to take those first wobbly steps.
Stretch out your hands and assure your child that you'll catch them if they fall. When falls inevitably do happen, offer comfort and kisses. And when they make it one step, then two, then three, cheer them on like they just completed the Tour de France. Your excitement is contagious!
Related: The 4 Stages of Learning to Walk
When to Be Concerned
Some parents may start to worry if their child isn't meeting milestones like talking or walking "on time." And paying attention to milestones can indeed be important: Some early signs of autism can be detected even before 12 months, and doctors recommend early intervention whenever possible.
If other people pressuring you about milestones, such as friends piping in—"Is your baby still not walking?"—try to tune it out. Robin used to tell people, "The doctor isn't worried about Lydia, so I'm not either." Try not to compare your child with others. In any group of babies, there's likely to be an early walker, an early talker, those who hit those milestones at "average" times, and late bloomers. When you think about it, as soon you define "average," babies fall on either side of that.
Do bring your concerns to a health care provider, though. They can put your child's development in perspective. If you've got a nagging instinct that the doctor is missing something, or spot any milestone red flags, seek a second opinion.
"If you still have doubts, then see another doctor," Dr. Zuckerman says. That will likely make you less anxious, and if your child does have an issue, you can get early intervention (such as occupational therapy), which can make a huge difference.
Finally, look at the big picture and all the things your baby may be doing, whether playing peekaboo or blowing kisses. Development happens in spurts and plateaus. Enjoy the plateau your child is on now.
Key Takeaways
All children develop at a different pace. If your child seems behind in meeting milestones, don't stress out, but do act early to get evaluation and support in place to help your child thrive.
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