Which "Avatar: The Last Airbender" Character Are You?
Whether you are a new fan that is rewatching the series or an old one that is discovering this show for the first time, Avatar: The Last Airbender is a fun ride for everyone thanks to its incredible writing and characters. Of course, that always brings up the question, "which character are me and my friends most like?" While it might be easy to be able to tell them which element they totally would be able to bend if they were a part of this world, it's much harder to tell them which character they would be if they were in Team Avatar. We made it totally easy for you to find out with this quiz.
So are you more of an Suki/Katara? Or more of a Sokka/Toph? Or are you meant to be the Avatar? Find out here!
If you picked more from the left side:
You're more like Suki and Katara. You have a lot of heart and are the most reliable person in the group. You like to plan things out and make sure that everyone is ready to take on anything that is coming up next. Just like Suki and Katara, you're very protective of those closest to you and will do for them. At the same time, this might make you jump into certain situations a little too quickly, causing you to have to think fast on your feet.
If you picked more from the right side:
You're more like Toph and Sokka. You typically have a hard exterior, but you're really sweet on the inside. You're not afraid to face things head on, even if you don't have a big plan just yet. You're not as trusting of strangers, but your inner circle means everything to you. You're not willing to go down without a fight and are ready to prove yourself at a moment's notice.
If you answered evenly between the two:
You're more like Aang. Just like the Avatar (and your answers) your personality is the perfect balance of the other two choices. You probably have different friend groups that you are a part of and you're super friendly when you're out and about. However, when you're at home, you're all about chilling out and relaxing after a long day. You try to do everything that it brings out the best outcome for everyone and are always there to patch stuff up when things go wrong between your friends.
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