I Asked Moms For Their Weirdest Pregnancy Cravings So I Could Try Them, And Here Are 11 That I Myself Couldn't Stomach
Hi! I'm pregnant, and I recently asked the BuzzFeed Community to share their weird pregnancy cravings so I could try them. They came through with some unique combos I'm excited about, and honestly, some that made me shudder.
Here are the ones that I just can't attempt. I'm 25 weeks and gag a little when I brush my teeth, so thinking about trying these combos makes my baby go like this in the womb: ??
And absolutely no shade to these pregnant people for their cravings. Babies do weird things to your body when you're growing them!
1."Sliced onion and mayo. I would slice the onions like a chip and dip it in the mayo. I wasn't allowed to eat it at my grandma's because she said it was so disgusting to watch me eat it like that, and I would get globs of mayo on those slices of onion. It was so good. It's not as good now as it was while I was pregnant, but I now have a taste for onions, which I never did and usually went out of my way to avoid onion in my dishes. It's strange how the world works. Babies change everything!"
2."I had an overwhelming craving for canned asparagus, straight out of the can, cold. This was at the beginning of the pandemic when nothing was in stock at grocery stores. One day, as I was hoarding all the cans of asparagus from the grocery store, it struck me how not normal this was, and I realized I was pregnant."
3."With my first, I wanted meat. All the meat... the weirder the game, the tastier it sounded. I recall seriously entertaining the idea of acquiring squirrel meat since they were everywhere in my area."
4."I kid you not, I wanted PICKLES dipped in NUTELLA. Yep, you read that right. I was so satisfied after I had it lol!"
5."I craved boiled hot dogs topped with scrambled eggs all of the time!"
6."The first trimester, I really wanted a cheeseburger with chocolate chip cookies for the buns."
7."My mother with my brother: mashed potatoes AND chocolate pudding mixed together with gravy. She could not get enough of that the second trimester and on."
8."My mom's go-to pregnancy craving was Miracle Whip on Nilla Wafers *shudder*."
9."Spicy Doritos with a piece of brownie on top of it."
10."With my third, I craved white rice mixed with pickle juice. It settled my stomach."
11.Finally, "Not me, but my mom said when she was pregnant, she would make instant mashed potatoes, pour Arby's Horsey sauce on it, and then mix in chopped up Slim Jims."