Your Aries Monthly Horoscope
Your Key Dates:
June 3: Speak up (without yelling)
June 17: Don’t put your phone on airplane mode
June 21: Stay unapologetic
You’re a fucking winner, and now that the weather is heating up, you’re ?? ready ?? to ?? go. Gemini energy is all about play, spontaneity, and fun, which perfectly compliments your signature impulsivity. On June 3, the Sun and Moon meet in the sky, forming a powerful new Moon that radiates across the communication sector of your chart. Use this energy to explore expression. How do your words reflect your values, hopes, and aspirations? Remember, Aries: it’s more important to be heard than to be the loudest.
Thanks to the lunar calendar, this month serves a quick turnaround on your short-term goals. The Full Moon in Sagittarius on June 17 makes your dreams a reality. With Gemini and Sagittarius activated, you’ll be receiving many important messages, so keep a close eye on your inbox. If you’ve been seeking clarity on a situation, let this Full Moon deliver the truth.
Think back to January 31. What was going on in your life, Aries babe? On June 18, an epic connection between taskmaster Saturn and dreamy Neptune electrifies the sky, signifying a halfway point in a critical narrative that will conclude on November 8, when the Saturn and Neptune align once more. This formation won’t occur again until 2031, so pay attention to what’s happening. Trust your gut under this sky; Saturn-Neptune union are connecting your career with your intuition.
Finally, the month concludes with the Sun cruising into Cancer-the sensitive water sign connected to the home and family. This motion will definitely trigger a shift in energy, but before you write it off as a “buzzkill” (I see you, Aries), don’t forget that you’re still in the driver’s seat. Use the next few weeks to define what structure and stability mean for you. Does security mean medical benefits? A shoulder to cry on? A one-way ticket to Bora Bora? Everyone has different needs, so be sure to advocate for yourself during this new astrological season. You don’t need to apologize for who you are-and that’s a sentiment all Aries can agree on!
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