Are You Ever Too Old to Wear Sheer?

Fashion, apparently, fails if it doesn’t push boundaries and question norms. Someone you can look to in order to put that to the test is Italian fashionista Anna Dello Russo.

The 54-year-old Vogue Japan editor and self-described “fashion maniac,” according to her website, has been brandishing revealing looks lately and proudly sharing on her social media. The reaction to which begs the question: is anyone ever too old to sport such a sheer ensemble?
According to some followers and the peanut gallery on social media, Dello Russo should cover up. Comments on her social stream included the inevitable “No,” thumbs-down emojis and statements of the following nature:
“When you are in your 20/30’s that’s ok but not in your 50’s sorry,”
“U r too old darling!!!!”
Still, plenty of others celebrated the fashion icon for her originality, physique, and for being “Fierce and fantastic. Full stop.”
Questions of age always seem to come up when a woman in the spotlight deems to wear what she likes, vs. conforming with accepted norms. Another icon of revealing fashion, Madonna, has accrued similar criticism. A recent incident inspired her to call her outfit at the 2014 Met Gala a political statement, as a measure of speaking out against ageism.
Would a model or fashionista in her 20s garner similar age-targeted commentary? Perhaps the criticisms would focus more on the acceptability of showing “too much” skin, but being called out for her age? Unlikely.
Whether it’s for attention, ventilation, or comfort, no one should judge or dictate what a grown woman can or cannot wear – particularly in a fashion-forward environment. If you don’t like it, you can always look away.
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