Can Apple Cider Vinegar Actually Help You Lose Weight?
Give it to us straight, Dr. Ian!
While plenty of people are sipping on apple cider vinegar — and lots of other kinds of vinegar — in an attempt to lose weight, can the potent liquid (that smell is acidic acid, FYI) actually help us fit into our skinny jeans?
The verdict: The research isn't really there quite yet!
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"There's one small Japanese study that says that people who had it on a daily basis, it reduces their hunger or increases their satiety, their feeling of fullness," says Dr. Ian.
He also cites another study that says apple cider vinegar can reduce blood sugar levels in your system, particularly for Type 2 diabetics.
And even if you aren't diabetic, it never hurts to reduce your blood sugar levels!
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But keep this in mind: Because of the acid, it can be harmful to your tooth enamel. It can also affect your throat, and it also can affect your stomach.
"So if you're going to have this," says Dr. Ian, “remember — small amounts… Easy, easy."
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