America’s Favorite Places — The Friendliest Cities in the U.S.
Southern manners are a point of pride to Nashville residents, who spoke fondly of the city's friendly banter and sense of camaraderie. Tourism is a major part of the industry, many T+L readers observed — meaning locals are well versed in hospitality.
"What is there to complain about with all that Colorado has to offer?" asked one survey responder. "That is how the locals feel — no complaining because life is good."
"We'll treat you like family even if you're staying here for three nights. When you leave, you'll feel like you're leaving home," said one local about their home city, Honolulu. Hawaii's gorgeous scenery almost certainly contributes to everyone feeling so friendly and upbeat all the time.
According to locals, "Minnesota Nice" is a real thing. Residents of the Twin Cities are known for being affable and helpful.
"Rochester has a more Midwestern pleasantness than it does an East Coast attitude," explained one reader. "We're subdued though, as we're not as boisterously friendly as you'd experience in the South. People are very genuine."
"We are in the heart of the Midwest!" said one T+L reader. "We are down-to-Earth, low-key, and being welcoming is in our nature."
A number of readers explained that no matter where you find yourself in Santa Fe, be it on a hike, at a local coffee shop, on the street, or at a Jiffy Lube, you're likely to get involved in a genial conversation with locals. This year, Santa Fe landed in a dead tie with Kansas City.
"You will rarely find a Clevelander that will not try to go out of [his or her] way to assist you," said one survey responder.
One reader said West Michigan is the friendliest place around — so expect to chat with plenty of locals during a visit.
After living away from home for a decade, one Pittsburgher returned to their hometown to find people were as friendly, chatty, and welcoming as ever. "During my first trip to the grocery store, I talked to the deli man for a half hour about cheese — including one that he insisted tasted like pierogies. It did. It was good to be home."
Locals say Birmingham is a true example of Southern hospitality. Residents will want to learn all about you — "especially if you know someone they might know," one survey respondent noted.
"The people of Milwaukee are amazing. We live Midwestern hospitality to the core — it's like a small town vibe in an urban setting." Visitors said that whomever you sit next to at the bar or in a park could wind up feeling like an old friend.
"People say ‘hello,' they will hold the door open for you, and always tell you the best places to eat. Usually, it's in their mama's kitchen and you'll be invited over."
"Our state is known as the Gateway to the South. Therefore, our hospitality is second to none." Travelers should be prepared to hear directions from everyone — and share at least a few glasses of bourbon with strangers.
"We are known for Hoosier hospitality," one reader told T+L. As did another. And another. "Hoosier hospitality is our catch phrase, and it's real. Authentic, helpful, caring is just in our DNA."
"If you sneeze, four strangers will say ‘bless you," said one T+L reader. More than a few survey respondents who moved to San Antonio from other cities said they're still amazed, even after decades, how friendly the Texas town is. San Antonio "takes prides in being friendly," another explained. They even brag about it.
"Everyone has a story — and wants to hear yours," is how one T+L reader described New Orleans' friendliness. "In neighborhoods, all doors are open, or everybody is sitting on the porch."
Edging out even famously friendly Charleston is Greenville, which has that quintessential southern charm travelers (and locals) love. A resident claimed that everyone on Main Street wears a smile on his or her face, and will grin or wave at passersby.
Despite being right below the Mason-Dixon line, Virginia is still the South — and very proud to support the notion of southern hospitality.
"People smile at each other on the streets. We talk to strangers all the time and are just overall willing to help each other," said one local Buffalo resident. "They don't call us the City of Good Neighbors for nothing." One reader recommended that visitors ask for directions — not because they're lost, but because a local might just escort them to wherever they're going.
7. Nashville, Tennessee
Southern manners are a point of pride to Nashville residents, who spoke fondly of the city's friendly banter and sense of camaraderie. Tourism is a major part of the industry, many T+L readers observed — meaning locals are well versed in hospitality.
A surefire way to make friends while traveling is to head to one of these amiable cities.
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