Achy Lower Back? Experts Share the SI Joint Pain Exercises That Speed Relief
Have you ever felt a radiating pain down your lower back or buttocks? While there are several potential causes of pain in this area, one that’s incredibly common is sacroiliac (SI) joint pain. We explore what causes discomfort in the sacroiliac joints, and most importantly, share the best SI joint pain exercises to speed relief.
SI joint pain symptoms and causes
“SI joint pain is often felt as a deep, dull ache in the buttock and lower back, typically localized to one side,” explains Sapna Sriram, DC, Co-Founder and CEO of Toronto’s Integra Health Centre. “The discomfort can worsen with activity and prolonged positions, sometimes extending down the leg, mimicking sciatica.”
She says key causes of sacroiliac joint pain include:
Direct impacts, falls or accidents that can damage the SI joint
Forms of arthritis, which can lead to inflammation or degeneration in the SI joints
Uneven leg length, which can lead to improper weight distribution, putting extra stress on the SI joints
Repetitive stress
Age-related degeneration, which increases the risk of SI joint dysfunction
Infections in the SI joint, which are rare, can cause pain and inflammation
SI joint pain exercises
Mobilizing and stretching the joints in this area can be very helpful for alleviating discomfort. Just be sure to stop if you feel SI joint pain becoming more severe or if these exercises hurt another part of your body.
“SI joint pain management may involve various gluteal stretching and opening up the joint space,” says Leia Rispoli, MD, Double-Board-Certified Interventional Pain Management Specialist and Physiatrist at DISC Sports & Spine Center. “It also involves stabilizing the pelvis and engaging certain core muscles to correct spine/pelvis mechanics.”
Sherry McAllister, DC, President of non-profit organization Foundation for Chiropractic Progress, suggests following “the ABCs of SI strengthening.”
1. Adductor SI joint pain exercise
Lie on your back on a yoga mat with knees bent and feet flat on the ground
Place an exercise ball, pillow or block between your knees
Tighten your abdomen and squeeze the ball between your knees for five seconds
Repeat 10 times
2. Abductor SI joint pain exercise
Lie on your back on a yoga mat with knees bent (feet can be on the floor or slightly elevated)
Place a resistance band around your thighs
Engage your abs and glute muscles to slowly pull your knees apart to stretch the band to moderate resistance
Repeat 10 times
3. Bridge pose
Lie on your back on a yoga mat with knees bent and feet on the floor
With your arms at your side, raise your hips up while tightening your abs and glute muscles
If possible, lift your hips to make a straight line from your shoulders to your knees
Hold the lift for five seconds; repeat 10 times
4. Bird-dog pose
Position yourself on your hands and knees with your arms and legs shoulder width apart
Lift your right leg straight up with a pointed toe. At the same time, lift your left arm straight forward. Hold the position for five seconds
Switch your arm and leg
Repeat on each side twice and increase the five second hold as you get stronger
5. Cat/cow pose
Position yourself on your hands and knees. Ensure your palms are under your shoulders and hips are over your knees with your toes curled under
Arch your back like a cat and drop your head while exhaling
Release the arch, inhale and sink your spine down while raising the head up (cow)
Repeat 10 times
Dr. Sriram also recommends these SI joint pain exercises:
6. Pelvic tilt SI joint pain exercise
Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor, hip-width apart
Tighten your abdominal muscles and press your lower back into the floor
Hold for five seconds, then relax
Repeat 10-15 times, twice a day
7. Knee to chest stretch
Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor
Slowly bring one knee up toward your chest, grasping it with both hands until you feel a gentle stretch
Hold the stretch for 20-30 seconds
Lower your leg and repeat with the other knee
Perform three to five repetitions on each side, twice a day
Achy all over? More ways to ease pain in your hips, feet and neck:
The 5 Hip Mobility Exercises That Ease Pain and Stiffness in Minutes
Try These 5 Stretches for Neck Pain to Reduce Soreness and Discomfort
The 5 Plantar Fasciitis Stretches a Podiatrist Says Eases Foot Pain
This content is not a substitute for professional medical advice or diagnosis. Always consult your physician before pursuing any treatment plan.
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