Would You Give Up These 8 Things To Marry a Royal?
It's official. Royal wedding withdrawals have set in. Now that Meghan Markle is The Duchess of Sussex, we can't wait to see what good she does with her shiny new title. But one thing is for sure—she'll have to give up a few things first. There's no denying that marriage is a compromise, but when it comes to marrying a royal? It is expected that certain unspoken rules and guidelines be abided by out of respect. Would you be willing to give up all eight listed below?
Trade Your Career for the Crown
“There’s no royal decree stipulating that once you become a member of the Royal Family, you must forgo other professional activities,” says Alison Eastwood, editor in chief of Hello! Canada. While it will no longer be acceptable for Megan Markle to continue her acting career, she'll surely be able to bring attention to other important matters through philanthropy and other charitable work. Sounds like a pretty amazing gig if you ask us.
Your Right to Vote (and Hold a Political Office)
The reasoning behind this one is that a royal's vote could influence public opinion in an unfair way. According to the UK government site “Although not prohibited by law, it is considered unconstitutional for the Monarch to vote in an election”. The same goes for other members of the royal family. A Buckingham Palace spokesperson told Newsweek in June 2017 that members of the royal family do not vote "by convention."
Dark Nail Polish Be Damned
One unspoken rule of the Queen is nude nails only. That’s right, Meghan Markle has to give up wearing dark nail polish. Only nude or light colors are acceptable, like the Queen’s favorite, Ballet Slippers by Essie.
Sayonara Short Hemlines & Deep Necklines
It comes as no surprise that Her Majesty The Queen disapproves of short hemslines and deep necklines. Meghan will have to trade mini skirts and short suits for dresses that don't rise over an inch or two above the knee.
Wave Goodbye to Wedges
It is known in The Royal Family that her Majesty The Queen is not fond of wedges. Although that hasn't stopped The Duchess of Cambridge from wearing them, so maybe Meghan will break that rule too.
No More Autographs
Something most of us commoners wouldn't miss—but for Meghan Markle, this might take some getting used to! And did you know she was a calligrapher? It's true. She'll have to retire her pen now for Duchess status.
No Social Media
Social media is thought of as unseemly to the Royal Family, so it's no surprise that The Duchess of Sussex shut down her Instagram account and lifestyle website, The Tig, earlier this year. It is thought that this rule is a bit outdated (Princess Eugenie has her own official account), and we're betting this might change in the near future. But still, no Insta? This one might be the hardest rule yet!
No Selfies
Same goes for selfies. The Queen supposedly finds them "disconcerting" and "strange". SaveSave SaveSave SaveSave SaveSave SaveSave SaveSave