50 Face Masks You Can Buy to Support Charities
50 Face Masks You Can Buy to Support Charities
Not everyone is on board with wearing a mask on these days—heck, the president wouldn't wear one for the longest time, but wearing a mask whenever you're in close contact with others, like at the grocery store or at the gym, helps to stop the spread of COVID-19 (and can be seen as a sign of strength.)
Though masks of the homemade kind won’t provide as much protection as the kind healthcare workers need, they’re a barrier to respiratory droplets produced by talking, sneezing and coughing. That barrier, in addition to the social distancing most of us are already doing, is supposed to slow the virus’ spread, experts say.
Luckily, if you’re not a DIY kind of guy when it comes to sewing a mask yourself, there are plenty of face coverings you can order from your favorite brands and small designers, like a large number of sellers on Etsy. But if you really want to make a difference while protecting yourself, you can score a face mask that also gives back to charity.
Consider it a three-birds-one-stone kind of situation: Obtain the protection you need for you and your loved ones and help get supplies to people in need, all while supporting companies making a difference in our communities.
We’ve found 50 charitable fabric face mask options you can buy online now.
If you can’t sew one yourself, choose one that does good in your community.