These $8 Car Headrest Hooks Make the Best Purse Holder For Any Spill-Prone Driver
We've all been there. Cruising around town, minding your own business, before a surprise yellow traffic light or sharp left turn sends your purse flying from the center console or passenger seat. A dark secret is revealed: You're a hoarder. There are three tubes of ChapStick, two aspirin bottles (both jumbo and travel size, because that makes sense), gum wrappers, loose coins, a single stale French fry, and a miniature hair straightening iron. Just in case someone invites you to a last-minute charity ball. Items are scattered on the car mat and into the abyss under the seat, and your dignity is out the car window. The lucky ones are alone at the time; others are humiliated in front of friends and family. The embarrassment.
Luckily there is a solution to that series of unfortunate car events—as well as all the other clutter that accumulates and is prone to spillage, such as groceries, clothes, and baby bags—and the solution is to use these nifty $8 plastic hooks that hitch onto the back of your headrest. With over 5,500 Amazon reviews, the universally-sized headrest hooks can fit on most cars and hold up to 18 pounds per hook, which means even your fullest tote will be kept secure from disaster. Grocery bags that topple over? Rain jackets that need to dry? Handled. You can even swing the hook around the front side if you're driving without anyone in the passenger seat, therefore putting your purse close enough to grab your wallet or some lip gloss in a moment of need. Like, the drive-thru window.
The hooks are perfect for converting previously unused space into neat storage that eliminates clutter, opens up leg space on the floor, and keeps things in easy arm's reach for the driver. Thanks to a side opening in each hook, there is no need to take off the headrest to properly fit the hooks before using—just clip on and drive. When you're not using them, the hooks can be turned inward to cozy up underneath the headrest and out of the way.
Each $8 purchase includes two hooks, one for each side, which is more than enough to make your everyday life much easier. If you're into maximizing space, this is the affordable Amazon gizmo we'd impulse buy. (TO SHOP: $7.95;
No more embarrassing traffic light spills to be had today or any other day. You're safe for now, secret purse hoarders.