7 Times Elmo Was So Petty And Unhinged, You Will Actually Have No Choice But To Stan
This is going to sound bizarre, but Elmo is having a moment, and it all started with this resurfaced clip:
In the video, Elmo finds out that the last oatmeal cookie made by their guest was given to Rocco, muppet Zoe's pet rock, and Elmo becomes frustrated, raising his voice. "Rocco's a rock, Zoe!" Elmo said in the clip. "How is Rocco gonna eat that cookie?"
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The heated interaction soon caught people's attention, and "Elmo" was trending on Twitter. Many people expressed their love for the muppet's out-of-control behavior, and some even shared memes. Elmo himself even joined in on the fun.
What you may not have realized, though, is that Elmo has always been petty. He has an established history of angry fits and uncalled-for reactions, which can be pretty shocking considering how friendly he is most of the time.
Here are six other times where Elmo was completely unhinged — and believe us, you'll only love him even more after watching.
1. That time Elmo YELLED at Rocco after being interrupted.
Just as Elmo was about to say the number of the day, Zoe announced that Rocco beat him to the punch, which caused the furry, red creature to go absolutely wild. "ELMO DOESN'T BELIEVE THIS!" Elmo said. "All day long, all Elmo wanted to do was say the number of the day, but nooo! Elmo has to sing to Rocco!"
2. That time Elmo almost stormed off The Tonight Show and told Jimmy Fallon, "You're not coming to Sesame Street anymore!"
When Tonight Show host Jimmy Fallon joked, "Elmo should have come to rehearsal," after the muppet forgot some of the lyrics to the song he was performing, he began to walk off stage. "You just said it to everybody on national television that Elmo didn't know the song. You're not coming to Sesame Street anymore!" Elmo shouted.
3. That time Elmo told everyone their singing was "terrible" when he was a guest on the Australian talk show Rove Live in 2006.
After Elmo asked the audience to sing the alphabet with him, the muppet started to sing faster and faster, throwing everyone off beat. Near the end of the song, he cut the audience off, shouting, "Oh, you're terrible!"
4. That time Elmo went OFF because he felt his time was being disrespected during his reappearance on Rove Live two years later.
When Elmo reappeared as a guest on Rove Live in 2008, he misheard someone offscreen say that he only had two minutes of talking time, even though that was not the case. Yet the muppet yelled jokingly, "Elmo came this far, and he only gets two minutes? Do you know how much it costs to fly [to Australia]? Do you know how much petrol costs?!"
5. That time Elmo was SO sarcastic when he asked Michael Bublé to help him write a letter to Santa.
When Elmo asked Michael Bublé to help him write a letter to Santa, the singer clarified, "Right now?" Elmo then snapped back, "Well, Elmo isn't getting any younger, and neither is this bit!"
6. Last but not least, that time when Elmo was DONE with Zoe on their play date.
After Elmo became frustrated that Zoe wasn't giving him a turn in the toy car, he shouted, "Elmo is not going to play with Zoe anymore. This play date is OVER!"
What's your favorite Elmo moment? Let us know in the comments!
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