Meditation Apps For Kids That'll Actually Hold Their Attention
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Meditation Apps For Kids That'll Actually Hold Their Attention
Meditation can often seem like something that feels unattainable for full-grown, totally mature adults. So the idea of meditation for kids? On paper, it can seem laughable at best and downright impossible at worst. Sitting still? Total silence? Deep breathing without bursting into laughter? The idea of that being not just effective, but actually possible for a child seems like a stretch. But just like there are people who swear by meditation as a tool for promoting calmness and peace in adults, there are those who believe meditation can have the same effect on kids as well. And that’s exactly why there are various programs and meditation apps for kids.
The main thing to remember about any meditation practice, though, is that it takes practice — and this is probably even more true when it comes to meditation for kids. Even adults struggle to get the hang of meditation at the beginning, so it may take a daily or weekly routine to get a child into the practice.