50 Amazing Photos of Celebs Being Slimed on Nickelodeon
Are you even a celebrity if you haven't been slimed? Answer: no, obviously not. Much like being nominated for an Oscar, being slimed on Nickelodeon is a rite of passage every celebrity dreams of. Which probably explains why so many acteurs have allowed themselves to be drenched in green goop over the years. Here, we've rounded up 50 slimed celebs as part of an ongoing mission to preserve slime's legacy in American history books, but first, some fun facts.
- Per Vice, the very fist sliming happened on You Can't Do That on Television in 1979. Said slime was originally meant to be "food slop" which grew "eight inches of green crud." As producer Geoffrey Darby said, "We had to get the scene. We couldn't get more slop… So we said, Dump it on the kid anyway." Wow, horrifying.
- Nickelodeon got rich on slime. Aside from incorporating it into literally all their shows, they started manufacturing slime cereal, slime ketchup, and actual slime—aka Gak. Oh, and Nick hosts an annual Slime Fest. Like Coachella but for slime, ya know?
- It's made from vanilla pudding and green food coloring. So yes, it turns out slime is delicious and I would, in fact, eat it.
Obviously, slime > everything, but if you're wondering how celebs got involved, that'd be because of The Kids' Choice Awards, where A-list award winners often get slimed. TBD on if they know it's coming in advance (there was some debate about this on gossip account @DeuxMoi recently), but judging from how many people look completely horrified, I'm going with no. On that note, onto our slimy celebs!
Literally the exact face I would make if someone poured green slime all over my body.
Getting strong Carrie energy from this.
May I present: Katy Perry Gets Slimed, a story in three parts. Part one: Impact.
Part two: Abject horror and a whiff of "WHY DID I AGREE TO THIS?????"
Part three: Crawling around the floor, lost, confused, barefoot, and in dismay.
To be clear, JoJo Siwa is the only person on this list who looks visibly excited about being drenched in goo.
I don't think I've ever seen a more amazing photo in my life.
Wait, spoke too soon.
Not only did Kenan Thompson get slimed, he was also forced to submerge himself in some sort of toxic green pit.
Send help, I appear to be attracted to Taylor Lautner specifically when he's covered in slime.
Cannot believe everyone else had to deal with the most disgusting slime color ever and David Beckham was out here being sprayed with liquid gold.
OMG and Derek Jeter, too!
Lol @ Harrison Ford thinking this cowboy hat would save him, sweet, summer child.
Honestly, unclear as to whether this is slime or a jaunty sun hat.
Is he being slimed or having a religious awakening, you tell me.
Kinda thinking no one informed DJ Khaled about what was gonna happen to him on this show.
Kay, I know this happened a while ago, but could someone do a quick wellness check on Nick Jonas? I have concerns.
Oh, this? Nothing, just Jason Sudeikis slingshotting his slimed-up self into the atmosphere.
Rare photo of my anxiety rushing over me in the morning!
This reminds me of that one scene in Lord of the Rings when those orcs burst out of the ground. IF U KNOW U KNOW.
Thought this one deserved a zoom out, you're welcome.
Any doctors here know how slime affects the eyes? Asking for my friend Will Smith.
Thank god, someone started giving these poor celebs goggles.
Oh wait, never mind to the goggles, whoops.
Okay, how did Kristen's PR team make sure only her hands got slimed while everyone else on this show looks like they murdered that green monster from Ghostbusters?
Wow, the Statue of Liberty would very much like to remove herself from this narrative, one she never asked to be part of.
Whoever slimed these two really, um, went for a specific target.
Not not convinced this is the Hulk's origin story.
No two people have ever been more upset to be at an event.
I'm just gonna say it, dude looks like he's peeing slime.
"WHY ME" — Josh Gad, probably.
Not sure if he's being slimed or conducting a slime orchestra, but either way, I'm loving it.
Bold move wearing all-white to an event that's literally most famous for slime.
Clearly Laurie was dressed by the same devious slime stylist.
Meanwhile Pharrell arrived in a full-blown hazmat suit.
Did he somehow slime his own self? I have questions.
Yep, still find this hot. I'm unwell.
Honestly, this photo is kinda...romantic? Help.
Throwing it back to this retro Tom Cruise moment. No fuss, no cannons, no explosions, just a stream of slime straight to the top of his head.
Get it? Because her name's Pink. IT'S CALLED SUBTLETY.
Someone needs to go back in time and immediately check on Michael Strahan.
Literally me when confronted by any slight inconvenience.
Those balloons NEVER ASKED FOR THIS.
The kid's face behind her though.
Legolas didn't risk his life in Mordor for this.
Would love to know what Jason Segel did to deserve this from Jane Lynch.
It's the artistic dribble of saliva-like slime hanging from the middle of the photo for me.
The fact that Nickelodeon only gave them one tiny white towel each to clean themselves...
Visualization of what Monday looks like.
What this photo tells me: slime does not, in fact, taste good.
50 Amazing Photos of Celebs Being Slimed on Nickelodeon
Are you even a celebrity if you haven't been slimed? Answer: no, obviously not. Much like being nominated for an Oscar, being slimed on Nickelodeon is a rite of passage every celebrity dreams of. Which probably explains why so many acteurs have allowed themselves to be drenched in green goop over the years. Here, we've rounded up 50 slimed celebs as part of an ongoing mission to preserve slime's legacy in American history books, but first, some fun facts.
- Per Vice, the very fist sliming happened on You Can't Do That on Television in 1979. Said slime was originally meant to be "food slop" which grew "eight inches of green crud." As producer Geoffrey Darby said, "We had to get the scene. We couldn't get more slop… So we said, Dump it on the kid anyway." Wow, horrifying.
- Nickelodeon got rich on slime. Aside from incorporating it into literally all their shows, they started manufacturing slime cereal, slime ketchup, and actual slime—aka Gak. Oh, and Nick hosts an annual Slime Fest. Like Coachella but for slime, ya know?
- It's made from vanilla pudding and green food coloring. So yes, it turns out slime is delicious and I would, in fact, eat it.
Obviously, slime > everything, but if you're wondering how celebs got involved, that'd be because of The Kids' Choice Awards, where A-list award winners often get slimed. TBD on if they know it's coming in advance (there was some debate about this on gossip account @DeuxMoi recently), but judging from how many people look completely horrified, I'm going with no. On that note, onto our slimy celebs!
No words, just SLIME.
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