The 5-Minute Trick That Could Save You $50
Eep, your credit card statement is higher than usual this month. (Blame the unexpected car repair and early jump on booking those Thanksgiving flights—well done.) But now frugality is your new M.O. That’s why we love this genius and quick trick for shaving $50 off your monthly bill.
What you do: Log into your bank account online and scan through one month of your credit card bill. (Pssst…no self-judgment allowed.) Pinpoint one expense that adds up to $50 that you can eliminate or trim next month. Then make a pact to cut it. That’s it!
Some wallet-friendly options: Maybe it’s the gym membership you never use now that you mostly workout outdoors. Or the hefty lunchtime salad bar bill that costs $3 more per day than it should. Whatever the expense, it should be something you don’t mind going without.
Whoa, that was easy. If you're really feeling ambitious, you could automate the total saved to go straight into your savings account. (After all, it's the best-ever guarantee that you won't spend that cash.)
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